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الموضوع: قواعد اللغة الانجليزية-متجدد-

  1. #41
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jun 2010
    Lesson 17

    Subject-verb agreement
    الاتفاق بين الفاعل والفعل

    A subject may be a noun(Ali,a student,the book,..)or a pronoun(he ,I,we
    يمكن للفاعل ان يكون اسم او ضمير
    there must be an agreement between a subject and a verb in the sentence.

    If the subject is singular ,the verb should be alike
    يجب ان يكون الفعل موافق للفاعل,فاذا كان الفاعل مفرد يكون الفعل كذلك وهكذا
    -My friend lives in Egypt.

    the subject is singular,and the verb takes (s)of the simple present tense.

    -The ideas in the book are interesting.

    The subject is plural ,it takes no s(simple present tense)

    -He has a car/we have a car
    A singular pronoun takes "has",while a plural pronoun takes" have"

    Uncountable nouns are used as singular nouns

    الاسماء التى لا تعد تعامل معاملة المفرد
    The news
    is exciting.
    My money is not much.

    Expressions of quantity:

    Some of+singular noun+singular verb
    some of+plural noun+plural verb
    a lot of+singular noun+singular verb
    a lot of +plural ..+plural verb
    (it depends on the kind of word after the expression of quantity)


    Some of the book is good.
    Some of the books are good
    A lot of my friends are here.
    A lot of the equipment is new.

    one of/each of/every one of+plural noun+singular verb

    One of my friends is here.
    Each of my friends is here.

    The number of students in the class is 20.(the number is the subject)
    A number of students were late for class.(a number of means a lot of)

    There is a book on the desk.(a book is the subject)
    There are some books on the shelf.(the subject is some books)

    Everyone-everybody-no one-no body-no thing-anybody-anything-someone-something-everything are all singular indefinite pronouns كلها ضمائر مفردة

    Somebody left his book on the desk
    Everyone has his or her ideas.
    Everybody is allright.
    No one is missing.

    Collective nouns are like:
    audience,couple,family,police,government,group,sta ff,team,crowd,class,...

    When it refers to a whole singular unit,a singular pronoun and verb is used

    اذا كانت تشير الى كتلة واحدة مثل العائله كلها وليس الافراد او البوليس كهيئه وليس رجال البوليس
    تعتبر مفرد
    My family is large.

    When it refers to a collection of individuals,plural verb is used

    اذا كانت تشير الى الافراد داخل المجموعة مثلا افراد العائله او البوليس(رجال البوليس

    My family is loving.They are always ready to help.

    Those people are from Canada.

    The police have been called

  2. #42
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jun 2010
    Lesson 18

    Subjects,verbs,and objects

    Almost all English sentences contain a subject and a verb
    معظم الجمل الانجليزية تتكون من فاعل وفعل
    A subject may be a noun or a pronoun
    1-الفاعل قد يكون اسم او ضمير
    (my father,my friend,Egypt,Arabic,...)

    A pronoun
    >>>subject pronounsضمائر الفاعل
    subject pronouns are (I,he,she,it)for singular and (we,they,you)for plural

    Birds fly.

    I am a student

    A verb may be transitive or intransitive

    2-الفعل قد يكون متعد او غير متعدى

    A transitive verb is followed by an object
    الفعل المتعدى هو الذى يتبعه مفعول به
    The student needs a pen.

    needs(transitive verb)
    pen(an object of a verb)

    الفعل الغير متعد لا يتبعه مفعول به

    The baby cried
    The baby(subject)
    cried(intransitive verb).There is no object.

    Prepositional phrase consists of a preposition and an object of a preposition
    3-تتكون من جار ومجرور
    prepositions are
    like:about,above,across,after,before,against,of,of f,to,on,out,over,up,upon,with,

    An object of a preposition follows a preposition

    in the library(prepositional phrase)
    in: preposition
    the library:an object of a preposition

    We enjoyed the party at your house
    enjoyed(transitive verb)
    the party(an object)
    at your house(prepositional phrase)

    Adjectives describe nouns or modify nouns(an adjective comes before a noun to 4-

    describe it)الصفة تأتى لتصف الاسم الذى يأتى بعدها
    Mary is an intelligent student

    intelligent( adjective)

    An adjective takes no final (s)

    An adverb modify s a verb,often to answer the question"how

    5-لظرف يأتى ليصف الفعل ويجيب دائما عن سؤال "كيف,فهو يوضح بأى طريقه حدث الفعل
    Adverbs are often formed by adding "ly" to an adjective
    يتكون الظرف باضافة
    ly على الصفة


    She walks quickly
    quickly(an adverb) describes how she walks

    adverbs also describe adjectives
    قد يأتى ليصف الصفة
    I am extremely happy
    extremely(an adverb)
    happy(an adjective)

    Adverbs are used also to express time or frequency:tomorrow او التعبير عن


    Ann will come tomorrow(adverb)

    Some adverbs come before verbs such
    as:usually,always,already,finally,just,sometimes,. .......

    Ann always comes on time

    وهذه هى كل الاجزاء التى يمكن ان تتكون منها الجملة
    آخر مرة عدل بواسطة ام اسر2009 : 08-05-2011 في 12:30 AM

  3. #43
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jun 2010
    Lesson 19

    Conditional sentences
    الجمل الشرطية

    There are three kinds of conditional sentences

    هناك 3 انواع من الجمل الشرطية

    تتكون الجمله من جزئين:جملةالشرط والنتيجة
    If clause>>result clause

    1-If+simple present____>(simple present) or (simple future)

    It expresses something true in the present or the future
    تعبر عن شئ حقيقى او يمكن ان يحدث فى الحاضر او المستقبل
    If I have enough time,I write to my parents every week
    هذا شئ واقعى ااذا كان لدى وقت أكتب لوالدى

    If I have enough time tomorrow ,I will write to my parents.
    If I don't eat breakfast,I always get hungry during class
    اذا لم اتناول فطارى ,سأجوع اثناء الدرس

    2-If+simple past_________>would(could,should,might)+simple form
    It expresses something untrue in the present or the future
    تعبر عن شئ غير حقيقى او لا يمكن ان يحدث فى الحاضر او المستقبل

    If I were a bird,I could fly home.
    (I am not a bird)

    If I taught that class,I wouldn't give tests
    (In truth,I do not teach this class)

    If he was here now,he would help us
    (In truth,he is not here now)

    If I were you,I would expect that invitation
    (In truth,I am not you)

    Progressive forms are used in the progressive situations

    If it were not raining right now,I would go out for a walk.
    (It is raining right now ,so we use progressive form)
    هى بالفعل تمطر الان,فلو كانت لا تمطر كنت سأخرج

    3-If+past perfect______>would(could,might,should) have+p.p.
    It expresses something untrue in the past
    تعبر عن شئ غير حقيقى او لا يمكن حدوثه فى الماضى(لان حدث بالفعل شئ غيره وانتهى فى الماضى
    If you had told me about the problem,I would have helped you.
    (In truth,you did not tell me in the past)
    أذا كنت اخبرتنى عن المشكلةوكنت ساعدتك
    فى الحقيقه انا لم اخبره فى الماضى وبالتالى هو لم يساعدنى(المعنى:لو كان حصل كذا)
    If I had not slipped on the ice,I would not have broken my arm.
    (In truth,I slipped on the ice ,and broke my arm)
    لو لم اقع على الثلج لما كسرت يدى

    Progressive forms are used in progressive situations>

    If it had not been raining,I would have gone for a walk.
    هى امطرت بالفعل وبالتالى لم اخرج

  4. #44
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2006
    May God bless you

    Go ahead
    اللهم اني استودعك نفسي و ابنتاي و زوجي و اهلي و احبائي فانه لا تضيع و دائعك

  5. #45
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Sep 2007
    في مغربي الحبيب
    جزاك الله خيرا و نفع بك اختي ام اسر
    لاااا حرمت الاجر

    الله يرحم زوجك غاليتي عهودة و يربط على قلبك

  6. #46
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jun 2010

    Lesson 20

    تكوين الاسئلة

    There are two kinds of questions

    هناك نوعين من الاسئلة:اسئلة نعم او لا واسئلة لطلب معلومات
    1-Yes,no questions.
    2-Information questions.

    1-Yes or no questions

    اولا:اسئلة نعم او لا
    A yes or no question may be answered by yes or no
    هى الاسئله التى يكون معناها "هل"و تكون الاجابة عليها بنعم او لا
    oes he live in Cairo?
    Answer:?Yes,he does or No,he doesn't

    How to build a question
    كيف نبنى السؤال؟
    A question consists of
    a helping (or auxiliary)verb+subject+main verb of the sentence+the rest of the

    يتكون السؤال من الفعل المساعد ثم الفاعل ثم الفعل الاصلى للجمله دون اى اضافه ولا يكون فى الماضى فقط الشكل العادى
    Does he live in Cairo?
    :helping verb
    live:verb of the sentence

    انواع الافعال المساعدة

    a helping verb is (will,shall,can,could,would,....)
    a helping verb is also(is,am,are,have,has,do,does,did)

    if there is verb(be) or (have)in the sentence,it is used as a helping verb
    If there is only the main verb of the sentence,verb(do)is used
    اذا لم يوجد فعل مساعد فى الجمله نستخدم فعل do

    I will travel to Cairo
    To turn this sentence into a question
    لتحويل الجملة الى سؤال نبحث اولا عن الفعل المساعد فى الجمله ثم نكون السؤال بنفس الخطوات
    1-We search for the helping verb in the sentence
    2-we consist the question

    helping verb+subject+verb in the simple form(no s ,no past)

    I will travel to Cairo_____________Will you travel to Cairo?
    He lives in Tanta?__________________Does he live in Tanta
    He traveled to Cairo yesterday.________did he travel to Cairo yesterday?
    He is a teacher.________________________is he a teacher?
    I have a car____________________________Do you have a car?
    I have been to England__________________have you been to England?

    2-Information question

    An information question ia a question that ask for information by using a question
    word such as:who,when,where,which,whose,...
    هو السؤال الذى يسأل لطلب معلومات مثل:متى,اين,من,وهكذا
    Question word+helping verb+subject+verb

    كلمة السؤال ثم الفعل المساعد ثم الفاعل ثم الفعل الاصلى للجملة

    Where does he live?

    where:question word
    does:helping verb

    Answer:subject+verb+rest of the sentence
    He lives in Cairo.

    He is living there___________Where is he living?
    Mary can live here___________Where can Mary live?
    John lives here______________who lives here?

    When did they arrive?
    How old are you?
    Who came to visit you?
    Whom did you see?What do you need?

    To use the negative form,"not" is used after the helping verb
    للنفى نضع بعد الفعل المساعدnot
    Doesn't she live in Cairo?
    Aren't you supposed to be in class now?
    Who isn't here?

  7. #47
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jun 2010
    Lesson 21

    Tag Questions

    A tag question is a question added at the end of a sentence.Speakers use tag
    question chiefly to make sure their information is correct or to seek agreement
    يأتى دائما فى نهاية الجملة ويستخدم للتأكد ان معلومة صحيحة او للتأكد من الاتفاق وتكون بمعنى"أليس كذلك

    Jack can come,can't he?
    Fred can't come,can he?

    1-A tag question come at the end of a sentence.
    2-It is preceded by a comma (,)
    3-To form it,we use
    helping verb+subject+?
    4-Sentences with negative words take affirmative tags
    يأتى هذا السؤال فى نهاية الجملة ويتكون من الفعل المساعد اولا ثم الفاعل وعلامة الاستفهام
    اذا كانت الجملة فى الاثبات يأتى السؤال فى النفى,واذا كانت فى النفى يأتى السؤال فى الاثبات

    Mary is here,isn't she?
    Mary is here.(simple sentence)
    isn't she?(tag question)
    is(helping verb)
    n't(negative)because the sentence is in the affirmative form

    You like tea,don't you?
    They have left,haven't they?
    Mary isn't here,is she?

    Affirmative answer is expected in the negative tag question and vice verse

    فى الاجابة على هذا السؤال,اذا كان مثبتا تكون الاجابة بالنفى
    واذا كان السؤال منفيا تكون الاجابة مثبتة

    Affirmative sentence+tag question________Affirmative answer

    Mary is here,isn't she?__________________yes,she is
    They have left,haven't they?_____________yes,they have

    Negative sentence+tag question___________negative answer

    Mary isn't here,is she?__________________no,she isn't
    They haven't left,have they?_____________no,they haven't

    There is a meeting tonight,isn't there?
    Everything is OK,isn't it?
    Everyone took the test,don't they?

    Sentences with negative form took the affirmative tags

    الجمل التى تتضمن النفى فى معناها يكون فيها السؤال بالاثبات
    Nothing is wrong,is it?
    Nobody called on the phone,did they?
    You have never been there,have you?

  8. #48
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jun 2010
    Lesson 22

    Quoted Speech

    الكلام المقتبس

    Quoted speech refers to reproducing words exactly as they were originally spoken.
    Quotation marks ("...")are used.

    She said,"My brother is a student."

    ---If (she said) comes in the beginning
    اذا جاءت فى البداية she said
    نضع فاصل بعدها ويكون اول حرف كبير والنقطة فى نهاية الجملة قبل غلق الكوتيشن
    1-A comma is used after she said.
    2-Capitalize the first word in the quoted sentence
    3-Put the final quotation marks after the period at the end of the sentence.

    "My brother is a student,"she said.
    اذا جائت فى النهاية
    نستخدم فاصل بعد انتهاء الجملة وقبل غلق الكوتيشن
    If (she said) is at the end of the sentence
    1-Use a comma at the end of the quoted speech before the final quotation mark.

    ---"My brother," she said,"is a student."k
    اذا جاءت فى الوسط
    فاصل بعد الجزء الاول ونقطة بعد الجزء الثانى وقبل علامة غلق الكوتيشن
    If the quoted speech is divided by (she said)
    1-Use a comma after the first part of the quote and a period after the second part
    of the quote.

    ---Quoting a question

    السؤال المقتبس
    نستخدم علامة الاستفهام

    The question mark is inside the quotation marks
    "When will you be here?"she asked.

    ---An exclamation:
    فى التعجب نستخدم علامة التعجب
    She said,"Watch out!"
    The exclamation mark is inside the quotation marks.

    Reported Speech

    Reported speech refers to reporting what someone said.No quotation marks are used.

    Quoted speech____________________________Reported speech
    She said,"I watch TV every day"__________She said (that) she watched TV every day
    She said,"Do you watch TV"_______________She asked if I watched TV.

    1-(She) said is always in the first
    2-Said to (me) turns to told (me)
    3-Said turns to asked in the question ,and if is used before the reported sentence
    (asked me if)
    فى السؤال تتحول الى asked if
    4-If it is an imperative:الامر
    said turns to told me to+verb

    5-(That) can be used after she said or not.(She said that
    يمكن استخدامها او لا that
    6-No Capital letter is used here and no quotation marks.
    7-The subject inside the quotation turns to the subject in the beginning of the

    sentence or according to it.
    She said,"I watch....."___________________>>>She said (that) she .....

    8-If the verb in the quoted speech in the present form,it will be in the past form
    Present progressive_____>past progressive
    Past____________________>perfect past
    الفعل فى الجملة المقتبسة
    اذا كان فى المضارع يتحول الى الماضى
    الماضى يتحول الى ماضى تام
    مضارع المستمر يتحول الى ماضى مستمر
    9-Pronouns are changed according to the meaning of the sentence
    تتغير الضمائر طبقا لمعنى الجملة
    10-A period or full stop is put at the end of the sentence.
    نضع نقطة فى النهاية

    She said,"I watch TV every day."______She said that she watched TV every day.
    She said,"I am watching TV."__________She said that she was watching TV.
    She said,"I have watched TV."_________She said that she had watched TV.
    She said,"I will watch TV."___________She said that she would watch....
    She said,"Watch out!"_________________She told me to watch out.
    She said,"Do you watch TV?"___________She asked me if I watched TV.
    She says,"I watch TV every day."______She says she watches TV ....

  9. #49
    تاريخ التسجيل
    May 2011
    جزاك الله جنه الفردوس و نريد المزييييييييييييييييييييييد شكرا

  10. #50
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jun 2010
    Lesson 23

    There are many kinds of pronouns

    هناك انواع كثيرة للضمائر
    1-Subject pronouns(personal pronouns
    ضمائر الفاعل او الضمائر الشخصية
    A subject pronoun functions as a subject in a sentence
    وتكون وظيفتها فى الجمله هى الفاعل
    He ,she (singular pronouns)ضمائر الفاعل المفرد
    they ,we,you (plural pronouns)ضمائر الجمع
    It(لغير العاقل)
    I go to school everyday.
    He/she plays football.
    They are my cousins.
    It is my cat.

    2-Object pronouns
    ضمائر المفعول
    They function as objects of a sentence
    يكون موقعها فى الجملة مفعولا به
    He gives me a present
    (me) an object
    I asked him/her to close the door.
    I bought some eggs,and put them in the refrigerator.

    3-possessive adjectivesصفات الملكية
    They are followed immediately by a noun.They can not stand alone
    يأتى بعدها اسم
    Whose car is it?
    It's(my car).
    It is her cat.
    It's your coat.
    My book is here,your books are over there.

    4-Possessive pronouns
    ضمائر الملكية
    They are not followed by a noun.They can stand alone.
    لا يأتى بعدها اسم ولكن تأتى لوحدها
    Whose car is it?
    It's mine.
    It's hers/his
    It's ours/theirs

    5-Indefinite pronouns



    They are used to refer to indefinite pronouns
    Somebody left his book on the desk.
    Everyone has his own ideas.

    6-Reflexive pronouns


    I brought him from the airport by myself.
    We made the cake by ourselves

مواضيع مشابهه

  1. ملف صغير به شرح لجميع قواعد اللغة الانجليزية
    بواسطة مازن المصرى في ركن اللغات
    الردود: 3
    اخر موضوع: 20-07-2008, 08:57 PM
  2. مهـــــم:قواعد اللغة الانجليزية في بور بوينت
    بواسطة ســْْـارة في ركن اللغات
    الردود: 2
    اخر موضوع: 27-06-2008, 02:48 PM
  3. قواعد اللغة الانجليزية ..... الجزء الثانى
    بواسطة s_houriaaa في ركن اللغات
    الردود: 7
    اخر موضوع: 12-06-2008, 02:33 PM
  4. شرح قواعد اللغة الانجليزية.....الجزء الاول
    بواسطة s_houriaaa في ركن اللغات
    الردود: 10
    اخر موضوع: 31-05-2008, 06:21 PM
  5. الردود: 11
    اخر موضوع: 28-05-2008, 09:18 AM

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