To all the verbal and physical abusers of innocent Muslims!
To the uneducated minds!

Your behaviour is unacceptable, your behaviour is a nuisance.

It begins with you, uneducated, and uncivilized minds!

To all of you who believe condemning terrorism begins with hate, and abuse of the innocent.

To the deviated society that promote terrorism by committing a crime against humanity.

Terrorism end with you, it ends when our people become one nation, when they rejoin peace.

One voice is not enough, people must rejoice in peace!

Stop racism against the innocent mother wearing the Hijab (scarf)

Stop racism against the innocent child, when you call him "terrorist," you satiate his little mind with anger! You fill his thoughts to grow, and become what you fed his mind!

I ask of you to eradicate hate, and racism

I ask of you to educate peace, and love

Let go of anger

I ask of you not to look at muslims as terrorists

I ask of you not to see them in the eyes of one person as terrorists

But to look at them as individuals, who pursue the same needs as you pursue to survive

Who bleed just as you bleed

Who feel just as you feel

Who grieve, and mourn the loss of an innocent nation


What is so great in this world, that people of all races and beliefs can't share? Why are we to claim that this world is ours to own, when it didn't even begin with us! We are visitors of this world! We live today, die tomorrow, and another nation will lead!

Don't poison our future children with demented thoughts

Don't spread hate, corruption, racism, deception, and terrorism by promoting what is wrong!

Hate begins with a feeling, forms into words, and grows to actions; innocent people face the consequences which follow!


It begins with the demolishment of empty racist feelings, which lead to the grave

It begins with pure hearts willing to share, which will lead to peace