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الموضوع: اسورة من الماكرمي سهلة جداااااا

  1. #1
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2006

    flower2 اسورة من الماكرمي سهلة جداااااا

    اتمنى تنال اععجابكم وبستنى ردودكم سلاااام

    Macrame Toggle Bracelet

    I’ve been surfing sites and breaking open books looking for macrame project ideas, and I noticed that many of the macrame bracelets I’ve seen are designed so be tied around the wrist. Though that’s okay, I wanted a design that would be easier to put on and take off. So, I added a toggle clasp to my bracelet design which uses basic square knots and beads.

    To make this bracelet, you’ll need:
    1 piece of cord 6 feet long
    1 piece of cord 4 feet long
    3 large holed beads
    1 toggle clasp
    super glue
    work area with pins or clip board
    For demonstration purposes, I’ve got 2 colors of cord pictured. In my finished piece, I used natural colored hemp, but it’s easier to see the knots when you have two colors.
    1. First, thread both pieces of cord through the loop of one part of the toggle clasp as shown here with the circular part.

    2. Pull the cord so that the toggle is in the middle of both cords. The shorter cord should be in the middle and the longer cords go on the outside.

    3. Tie an overhand knot and push it down so it’s up against the toggle loop.

    4. Position the cords on your work area so the longer cords are on the outside and the shorter cords are on the inside.

    5. Now, you are ready to make the first square knot which is made up of two knots. Start by doing a half knot (also described in my Twisted Macrame Earrings).
    6. Bring the right cord over the two center cords and under the left hand cord.

    7. Then bring the left hand cord under the two center cords and up through the loop created by the right hand cord in step 6.

    8. Pull the knot snug up against the over hand knot.

    9. Then bring the right cord under the two center cords and over the left hand cord. (Notice this is exactly the opposite of the instructions in step 6.)

    10. To complete the square knot, bring the cord that is now on your left up through the loop, and pull the knot snug. If your finished square knot looks like a little V, then you’ll know you’ve done it correctly.

    11. Continue making square knots (over and under, under and over - over and under, under and over - steps 6 through 10) until you have made 2 inches of square knots.

    12. After making your first section of square knots, slip your 1st bead onto the two center cords, and push the bead up against the end of the square knots.

    13. Bring the two out side cords down and around the bead and tie 2 square knots.

    14. Slip on your 2nd bead, and again tie 2 square knots.

    15. Then slip on your 3rd (and final) bead and tie 2 inches of square knots.
    16. Now, you just need to thread the other part of the toggle clasp through all four pieces of cord and make an over hand knot just as you did in step 3.
    17. Get your glue ready, trim off excess cord, and apply glue to this over hand knot.
    18. Let your glue dry before wearing your new bracelet. I’ve worn my bracelet around for a few days now, and I find it very secure. These instructions are for a 7 ½ inch bracelet. However, you can make it longer or shorter by just adding or omitting some of the knots.

  2. #2
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2006

    Macrame chokers were popular in the 60s and 70s and are now popular again. This "Retro Macrame Choker" survived from the 70s, so I thought it would a fun project to revive.
    To make it, you’ll need:
    approx. 9 feet of wax cord
    1 center bead approx. ¾ inches long
    8 crow beads
    macrame set up
    sewing hook & eye

    The knots used in this project have already been used in previous macrame projects on this site, and instructions are also available in the Knot Library.
    1. Cut 4 strands of cord, put together, and slip on one end of your hook through the two middle cords.

    2. Tie an over hand knot at the end, trim off excess cord.

    3. Tie about 1 ½ inches of half-knots.
    4. Slip on one crow bead.
    5. Tie one square knot directly beneath this bead.

    6. Tie another square knot approximately 1 inch below the first square knot.
    7. Repeat steps 4 - 6 three more times.
    8. Now add the center bead, and tie a square knot.
    9. Then repeat steps 4 - 6 four times.
    10. Tie another 1 ½ inches of half-knots.
    11. End by moving down about 2 ½ inches and slipping on the other end of your hook.
    12. Tie an over hand knot, and trim off excess. The finished piece is about 14 inches, so it really is a "choker." If you want it to be longer, adjust the length by making the end piece in step 11 a little longer.

  3. #3
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jul 2006
    وسط اهلي
    ماشاء الله الموضوع حلو
    جزاكي الله كل الخير

  4. #4
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2005
    الاسور حلوه
    تسلم ايدك

  5. #5
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2002
    رائعة بمعنى الكلمة يا هدهودة
    اتمنى منك أن تضيفي المزيد من تلك
    الأعمال اذا توافرت لديكي لأنني أحب
    أن أصنعها .

  6. #6
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2006
    مرسي على مروركم الموضوع منور بيها والله
    وان شاء يا أخت لوز راح أدور على أشكال ثانية وأنزلها في موضوع انت تؤمري.

  7. #7
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2006
    بلادي يا زين البلدان
    براسلي زويونين بارك الآه فيك

  8. #8
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2006
    merci _lamiae_ allah yiziene iyamik !!

  9. #9
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2006
    Flat macramé bracelet

    For the central bit you can use thin straps of leather folded into two, raffia, hemp, cord of silk or another wire of cutter choice Pour the bracelet to envisage 1 wire of 1merte folded into two, for the central wire, and a wire of 2 meters folded into two for weaving.
    For weaving well to hang wire with a handle of door, or put a double pin in the loop and fix at your Faire trousers a nœud while letting exceed 2 loops to begin the bracelet
    To form a nœud on wire of the medium as the diagram above shows it

    To make a second nœud in the other direction like the diagram above. Continue thus by alternating the nœuds each time

  10. #10
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2006
    في فلب زوجي
    اخيتي انا منتدئة واحب هذا الشغل كثيرا حيث انني رأيته عند احد الاقارب جاهزا وتمنيت لو انني اتعلمه فأرجوك ادعميني اكثر بالصور الموضحة

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