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الموضوع: ملف متنوع من الافكار اليدويه من سلمى

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  1. #1
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2006
    فى عينيك عنوانى

    heart2 ملف متنوع من الافكار اليدويه من سلمى

    ااااااااااااااااااوعو تنسو تدعولى

    فكره للزينه

    فكره لحقيبة الكتب

  2. #2
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2006
    فى عينيك عنوانى
    فكره جدا جميله لاستخدام الكتب في اشكال مختلفه

    افكار بالبطاااااااطس

  3. #3
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2006
    فى عينيك عنوانى

  4. #4
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2006
    فى عينيك عنوانى
    تجــــــــــــــــــــارب حلـــــــــــوة للمنــــــازل
    لإطالة عمر الشموع:
    لا شك أن تناول العشاء على ضوء الشموع أمر ممتع فعلا، إلا نها سرعان ما تذوب وتنطفئ الحل يكمن فى رش قليل من الملح عند جذوع الشموع لاطالة عمرها من خلال ابطاء عملية الذوبان فتدوم أكثر.

    2- تنظيف النوافذ بدون ماء
    لا ضرورة لاستعمال الماء كى تحصلى على نوافذ نظيفة وبراقة يكفى ان تحضرى جوربا قديما من النايلون وتفركى به الزجاج لتحصلى على نتيجة رائعةسوف تذهلك فعلا

    3- فرشاة الشعر
    للتنظيف انقعيها فى حمام مائى به قليل من النشادر حتى تستعيد نظافتها
    للتجديد انقعيها فى حمام ماء وخل

    4- العلب البلاستيكيةلازالة الدهون الملتصقة بها امسحيها اولا بالورق الماص ثم نظفيها بقماشة جافةوانثرى فيها بودرة التلك ثم اغسليها بالماء والصابون

    5- الثقاب
    يمكنك استخدام اعواد الثقاب التى طالتها الرطوبة بغمس اطراف عود الثقاب فى زجاجة طلاء اظافر او بحكها بفرشاة تصفيف الشعر وسوف تجف فورا

    6- للتخلص من رائحة الدخان
    ضعى قطعة اسفنج مغمورة فى الماء فى كوب او كاس على جانب
    اشعلى اكثر من شمعة وضعيها فوق شئ مرتفع

    7- تنظيف الملابس من بقع الدمانقعى الملابس طوال الليل فى ماء بارد ممزوج بالملح ثم اغسليها بالماء

    8- لازالة البقع من الشمواه
    ضعى القليل من بودرة التلك ودعييها على البقعة ليلة كاملة ثم ممرى فرشاة ناشفة وكررى التجربة ان لم تفلح من المرة الاولى

    9- لازالة بقع الجزر
    يترك الجزر بقعا فى الانية البلاستيكية ويزال بفرك الاناء باحد الزيوت النباتية

    10- لازالة الرمال من زوايا الادراج
    احضرى عودا قطنيا مثل المستخدم فى تنظيف الاذن وبللية بالماء واستخدمية لجمع ذرات الرمال من الزوايا.

  5. #5
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2006
    فى عينيك عنوانى
    Curtains are the traditional way of dressing windows and come in a variety of styles. A wide range of fabrics can give an endless number of effects to fit in with every type of décor and lifestyle.
    They can be fitted inside the window recess to give minimal impact. A country look is achieved when they are made in small prints or floral designs.
    Curtains fitted outside the recess can be long enough to just cover the window frame creating a more cosy effect. Floor length curtains can create a focal point in a room giving a more elaborate or dramatic look.
    The Dress Curtain with Attached Swag, displayed to the right, could be adorning any room in your home in a short space of time.


    The step by step soft furnishing instructions are easy to follow and are accompanied by colour diagrams. They have even been tested on people with very limited sewing experinece.
    All the sewing instructions are interactively linked to the included sewing guide, so no searching for "How To's".

    E-Book at a Glance

    269 Pages.

    347 Colour Diagrams/Illustrations/Photographs.

    50 Curtain Projects.

    15 Tie Back Projects.

    Section on Tracks, Poles and other Curtain Hardware.

    Section on Measuring up correctly.

    Sewing Guide to teach you all the basics and more.


    Each e-book is priced at £10.00 with fantastic savings when purchasing the bundle/package (up to 60% off).

    E-Book in Depth

    Curtains section:

    Some of those shown below have separate instructions for lined and unlined.

    Arched window curtains.Lined curtains.Attached rings curtains.Lined frilled curtains.Attached valance curtains. (2 styles)Lining ready made curtains.Bound door panel curtains.No sew curtains.Box pleated curtains.Pinch pleated curtains.Box pleated tab top curtains.Puffed headed curtains.Buttoned tab top curtains.Reverse appliqued curtains.Cafe curtains on rings.Ribbon bordered curtains.Cartridge pleated curtains.Rolled edge curtains.Cased headed Cafe curtains.Rope topped curtains.Corded eyelet curtains.Scalloped Cafe curtains.Cross over curtains.Scalloped triple pleat curtains.Dress curtains with swag.Shower curtains.Envelope curtains.Simple tab top curtains.Eyelet curtains.Smocked curtains.Fabric bordered curtains.Sunburst curtains.French pleated curtains.Tie on sheer curtains.Gathered tab top curtains.Triple pleated curtains.Goblet pleated curtains.Tulip pleated curtains.Hourglass curtains.Turned over top curtains.Interlined curtains.Unlined curtains.Italian strung curtains.Unlined frilled curtains.Jardiniere curtains

    Tie Backs section:

    Appliqued tie backs.Positioning tie backs.Bound edge traditional tie backs.Quilted tie backs.Frilled tie backs.Ribbon bordered tie backs.Gathered tie backs.Ruched tie backs.Heading tape tie backs.Scarf tie backs.Piped traditional tie backs.Shaped tie backs.Plain traditional tie backs.Straight tie backs.Plaited tie backs.Suggested tie back sizes.Pleated tie backs.Tie back templates.

    Sewing Guide section:ياريت حد يترجمه

  6. #6
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2006
    فى عينيك عنوانى
    Pelmets are used where a tailored top treatment is required and can be a simple way of covering a curtain track or made as a dramatic addition to a window. They are suitable for all shapes of window but must be in proportion to the other treatments, 1/6th of the curtain length is usual but the sides can be much longer as with lambrequins.

    Swags are an elaborate form of window top treatment which drape across in deep folds. You can have one swag draped across the whole width of the window or a number of smaller swags butted together or overlapped. They are usually teamed up with decorative tails which cover the returns of the pelmet board.

    Valances are in essence a mini curtain that covers the top and sides of the window frame or curtain track. They need at least the same fullness as the curtains and can therefore utilize any of the curtain heading styles. Valances can be teamed up with blinds or curtains to give the window a softer look.

    Ornamental trimmings can be added to most soft furnishings to enhance the look and add a personal touch. Bows, rosettes and decorative tails can liven up plain pelmets, valances, bed drapes and swags and tails. Smaller versions can be stitched onto tie backs to coordinate the effect.


    The step by step soft furnishing instructions are easy to follow and are accompanied by colour diagrams. They have even been tested on people with very limited sewing experinece.
    All the sewing instructions are interactively linked to the included sewing guide, so no searching for "How To's".

    E-Book at a Glance

    352 pages.

    426 colour photographs/diagrams/illustrations.

    16 pelmets project instructions.

    12 swags & tails project instructions.

    35 valances project instructions.

    17 ornamental trimmings project instructions.

    Sewing guide to teach you all the basics and more.


    Each e-book is priced at £10.00 with fantastic savings when purchasing the bundle/package (up to 60% off).

    E-Book in Depth


    Appliqued pelmets.Pagoda pelmets.Awnings.Quilted pelmets.Bound Edged pelmetsRolled Edge pelmets.Buttonback pelmets.Ruched Panel pelmets.Harlequin pelmets, 2 styles.Sawtooth pelmets.Layered pelmets.Tab Top pelmets.No Sew pelmets.Turreted Bottom pelmets.Padded pelmets.

    Swags & Tails:

    Butterfly Swag.Sunburst Swag.Deep Swags.Tailored Swags.Gathered Tails.Tailored Tails.Handkerchief Swag.Turban Swags.Manhattan Swags.Twisted Swags.Rolling Swags.Victory Swag (3 styles).


    Ascot valance.Puff Headed valance.Austrian valance.Queen Anne valance.Balloon valance.Regency valance.Box Pleated valance.Reversible valance.Butterfly valance.Scarf valance (2 styles).Double Edged valance (2 styles).Serpentine valance.Double Layered valance.Sheffield valance.Federal valance.Simple valance (2 styles).Festoon valance.Stagecoach valance.Frilled valance (2 styles).Tailed valance.Handkerchief valance.Teardrop valance.Hobbled Roman valance.Twisted Ruffle valance.Honeycomb valance.Victoria valance.Kensington valance.Waterfall valance.Petal valance.Yoked valance.Princess valance.
    Ornamental Trimmings:

    Bows.Padded rosette.Choux rosette.Piped tails.Double decorative tails.Plaits.Fabric flowers.Spiral tails.Fan.Tasells.Flower rosette.Taselled tails.Gathered rosette.Trefoil cross.Handkerchief tails.Trumpets.Maltese cross.
    Sewing Guide section:

    Adding curtain weights.Inserting a zip.Applique. (3 types)Matching patterned fabric.Binding and piping.Mitring a border.Cord tidy bag.Mitring a hem.Covering buttons.Quilting.Curved hems.Seams.Frills. (7 types)Stitches. (14 types)
    View Table of Contents in .pdf format. Left mouse click to open file in new browser window or right mouse click and select "Save Target As" to save the file to your hard drive. Acrobat Reader ™ is required to view this file.

  7. #7
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2006
    فى عينيك عنوانى
    Curtain tie backs made from heading tape give a pleated effect, are very easy to make and need no template.

    They need 2.5 times the finished length and the pleats can be enhanced with hand stitching to create a smocking effect.

    These tie backs are ideal to team up with Smocked Curtains which are featured in our e-book.

    The instructions below are for a pair tie backs using 3” (7.5 cms) wide heading tape but a wider one can be used if required.


    2 lengths of 3" pencil pleat heating tape, 2.5 times the finished length of the tie back plus 2" (5 cms) for neatening.

    2 pieces of fabric, 5.5" (14 cms) wide by 2.5 times the finished length of the tie back plus 2" (5 cms) for hems.

    Embroidery thread for hand stitching the smocking effect (optional).

    Matching thread.

    4 curtain rings or D rings, approximately 1" (2.5 cms) in diameter.

    2 tie back hooks.

    Fabric marker, optional.

    Making a Heading Tape Tie Back:

    • Turn in a 1" (2.5 cms) hem on all sides of the fabric, mitring the corners and press.
    • Knot the cords at one end of the heading tape, on the wrong side, and free the ends of the cords at the other end, to the right side.
    • Lay the fabric on a flat surface, wrong side up.
    • Turn 1" (2.5 cms) under at each end of the heading tape and place it centrally onto the fabric. Pin in place along both edges.
    • Machine stitch along the end where the cords are knotted and down each side but leave the other end open. Stitch both sides in the same direction to avoid puckering.
    • Pull up the cords to the required length and secure. Roll up the excess cord and tuck it into the end of the tie back between the fabric and heading tape. If the tie backs are to be smocked, secure the ends with a knot and trim off the excess.
    • Adjust the pleats evenly.
    • Oversew a curtain ring at the centre of each end 0.5" (12 mm in from the ends).
    To Create a Smocking Effect:

    • Measure the centre point across the width of the tie back and mark the top of each pleat with a pin or fabric marker.
    • Measure 1" (2.5 cms) either side of this and mark the top of each pleat with a pin or fabric marker.
    • Starting at one end, oversew the end pleat to the flat fabric at the centre point using the embroidery thread. Work 2 oversew stitches taking no more than 0.25" (6 mm) of the depth of the pleat and taking care not to pull the stitches too tight so as to pucker the pleated fabric.
    • Oversew the first and second pleats together at both of the outer marks.
    • Oversew the third and fourth pleats together at the centre mark.
    • Oversew the third and forth pleats together at both of the outer marks.
    • Continue in this way along the whole length of the tie back stitching the last pleat to the flat fabric.
    • Position the tie back hooks at the required height at each side of the window and hang the tie backs.
    Remember that our Just Curtains and Tiebacks e-book contains many more detailed projects which go much further than these web pages will permit (tieback projects shown below). All the ebook instructions are interactively linked to the comprehensive Sewing Guide. 50 curtain projects, 15 tie back projects with over 340 colour diagrams.

    Each E-Book is priced at only £10.00 with fantastic savings (up to 60&#37 when purchasing the bundle/package.

    Appliqued tie backs.Positioning tie backs.Bound edge traditional tie backs.Quilted tie backs.Frilled tie backs.Ribbon bordered tie backs.Gathered tie backs.Ruched tie backs.Heading tape tie backs.Scarf tie backs.Piped traditional tie backs.Shaped tie backs.Plain traditional tie backs.Straight tie backs.Plaited tie backs.Suggested tie back sizes.Pleated tie backs.Tie back templates.
    وياريت حد يترجم علشان نستفاد من الاعمال الروعه دى

  8. #8
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2007
    الدنيــــا ..
    يا سلمى بارك الله فيكي
    و جزاكي خيرا

  9. #9
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2007
    نمذج جميلة جدا تشكري

  10. #10
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2006
    فى عينيك عنوانى
    تسلمى يا بطوطه دايما كده بتجبرى بخاطرى وتكون اول الى يردو

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