View Full Version : إجابة اختبارات تحديد المستوى الخاصة بدورة اللغة الإنجليزية ...هنا

دكتوره فوفو
29-08-2007, 03:03 AM
أجابة امتحان المستوى الأول

اختار الاجابة الصحيحة
Do you live in Alexandria
A. Yes, I live
B. Yes, I do
C. Yes, I am
D. Yes, I does

How old are you

A. I have 21 years old
B. I am 21 years old
C. No, I'm not
D. I have 21 years
Do you have any brothers

A. No, I haven't
B. No, I don't
C. No, I doesn't
D. No, I don't have
. Where are you from

I'm at Egypt
I'm from Egypt
I'm of Egypt
I'm in Egypt

She's a teacher
A What's her job
B What's she job
C What's his job
D What's she do
من بين كل اربع كلمات استخرج الكلمة الشاذة

Find the odd word out
sister mother wife husband

live like have those

clock station watch time

اعد كتابة الجمل الاتية مستخدما he
Rewrite these sentences
using he
I don't like playing Tennis
He doesn't like playing Tennis

I often go to the cinema
He often goes to the cenima

We're going to the school
He's going to the school
I don't go to work
He doesn't go to work
حول الجمل الاتية الي النفي
Change these sentences to negative
I like cheese
I don't like cheese

We are married
We aren't married

She has an old house
She doesn't have an old house

I am Egyptian
I'mn't Egyptian

He plays tennis
He doesn't play tennis
They are from Egypt.
They live in London
They go to work on foot
الاجابات باللون الموف
وبنزول الاجابات دي يبقى استقبال أجوبة امتحان المستوى الأول توقف
وكل اللي معانا في كورسات المستوى الأول وصلهم اخطار بكده
واللي هيمتحنوا المستوى التاني باذن الله يتابعوا القسم النهارده هينزلهم الامتحان باذن الله

دكتوره فوفو
29-08-2007, 03:07 AM
اختر الاجابة الصحيحة

Did you have lunch at home yesterday

A. No, I haven't
B. No, I hadn't
C. No, I don't
D. No, I didn't

Where do you live

A. At 45 Orabi Street, Alex
B. On 45 Orabi Street, Alex
C. In 45 Orabi Street, Alex
D. From 45 Orabi Street, Alex

Where are you from
Where are soha and Mona from
Where do they from
Where are they of

They are from Egypt

A. What she does?
B. What do she do?
C. What does she?
. D.What does she do
She's a teacher

A. Do you live in a house or a flat?
B. Does you live in a house or a flat?
C. Are you live in a house or a flat?
D. Live you in a house or a flat?
In a flat

ضع علامة صح او خطا
Correct or incorrect
He not lives in England (incorrect) .
How much it costs incorrect? .
My uncle has 25 years old incorrect
Where did you went at the
weekend incorrect?.
What's your job? I'm a policeman correct
Do you like your new job? Yes, I
like incorrect
رتب الجمل الاتية
Put these sentences in the correct order
London a city very is big
London is avery big city

beach sometimes I go in to summer the

دي ليها حلين

Sometimes I go to beach in the summer
I go to beach in the summer sometimes

people there in are class our

There are people in our class
spell How you city do?

How do you spell city?
brother goes running in evening my the
My brother goes running in the evining

just they arrived in London have
They have just arrived in London
اكتب اسئلة للاجابات الاتية
Write the question for these statements:

This is my book
Whose book is this?

We found it in the street
Where did you find it ?

Sarah is playing basketball

What is sarah playing
or. what is sarah doing

دي اجابة امتحان المستوى الثاني
بكده يبقىالفرصه لحل امتحان المستوى الثاني خلصت
الاجابه باللون الفوشيا
وقدامكم أسبوع للي تخطوا المستويين الأول والتاني قبل ما أنزل اجابة اختبار المستوى الثالث

اسكندرنية بجد
08-03-2010, 02:35 PM
مشكورة على الموضوع الممتاز