View Full Version : هنا اختبارات تحديد المستوى الخاصه بدورة اللغة الانجليزية

دكتوره فوفو
29-08-2007, 02:52 AM
امتحان تحديد المستوى الأول first level determination exam

اختار الاجابة الصحيحة
Do you live in Alexandria
A. Yes, I live
B. Yes, I do
C. Yes, I am
D. Yes, I does

How old are you

A. I have 21 years old
B. I am 21 years old
C. No, I'm not
D. I have 21 years
Do you have any brothers

A. No, I haven't
B. No, I don't
C. No, I doesn't
D. No, I don't have
. Where are you from

I'm at Egypt
I'm from Egypt
I'm of Egypt
I'm in Egypt

She's a teacher
A What's her job
B What's she job
C What's his job
D What's she do
من بين كل اربع كلمات استخرج الكلمة الشاذة

Find the odd word out
sister mother wife husband

live like have those

clock station watch time

اعد كتابة الجمل الاتية مستخدما he
Rewrite these sentences
using he
I don't like playing Tennis

I often go to the cinema

We're going to the school

I don't go to work

حول الجمل الاتية الي النفي
Change these sentences to negative
I like cheese

We are married

She has an old house

I am Egyptian

He plays tennis

They are ....... Egypt.
They live....... London
They go to work ....foot

هذا هو اختبار تحديد المستوي الاول من يتخطاه كاملا ينتقل الي الاختبار الثاني وهكذا حتي الاختبار السادس
اي اننا سوف نقدم ست مستويات باذن الله

لتخطي الاختبار الاول لابد علي الممتحن ان يجيب علي 19 جملة اجابة صحيحة ينتقل بعدها للمستوي الثاني

ومن لايتخطاه سيتم تسجيل اسمه في المستوي الاول ونبدا معهم فورا باذن الله.

دكتوره فوفو
29-08-2007, 02:54 AM
امتحان تحديد المستوى الثاني second level determination exam
اختر الاجابة الصحيحة

Did you have lunch at home yesterday

A. No, I haven't
B. No, I hadn't
C. No, I don't
D. No, I didn't

Where do you live

A. At 45 Orabi Street, Alex
B. On 45 Orabi Street, Alex
C. In 45 Orabi Street, Alex
D. From 45 Orabi Street, Alex

Where are you from
Where are soha and Mona from
Where do they from
Where are they of

They are from Egypt

A. What she does?
B. What do she do?
C. What does she?
. D.What does she do
She's a teacher

A. Do you live in a house or a flat?
B. Does you live in a house or a flat?
C. Are you live in a house or a flat?
D. Live you in a house or a flat?
In a flat

ضع علامة صح او خطا
Correct or incorrect
He not lives in England .
How much it costs? .
My uncle has 25 years old
Where did you went at the
What's your job? I'm a policeman
Do you like your new job? Yes, I
رتب الجمل الاتية
Put these sentences in the correct order
London a city very is big

beach sometimes I go in to summer the

people there in are class our

spell How you city do?

brother goes running in evening my the

just they arrived in London have
اكتب اسئلة للاجابات الاتية
Write the question for these statements:

This is my book

We found it in the street

Sarah is playing basketball

دكتوره فوفو
29-08-2007, 02:55 AM
اختبار تحديد المستوى الثالث third level determination exam

امتحان المستوي الثالث
اختار الاجابة الصحيحة
Choos the correct answer

How long have you been living in Alex?

A. for 5 years
B. since 5 years

C. 5 years ago
D. in 5 years

Did you have lunch at home yesterday?

A. No, I haven't
B. No, I hadn't
C. No, I don't
D. No, I didn't

A. Do you can have any money?
B. Have you get any money?
C. Do you have got any money?
D. Have you got any money?

No, I'm sorry. I haven't got

A. What would you do if you win the lottery?
B. What do you do if you win the lottery?
C. What will you do if you won the lottery?
D. What would you do if you won the lottery?

I'd buy a new car

A. Do you have meat for dinner?
B. Have you ever had meat for dinner?
C. Have you meat for dinner?
D. Did you have got meat for dinner?

- Yes, I have

ايهما في هذه العبارات صحيح وايهما خطا

Decide if these sentences are correct or incorrect

How much it costs?
My uncle born in Tanta Soha's father has got greens
There aren't enough parkings
in Cairo?
. Do they smoke at work?

ضع كلمات كل جملة في ترتيبها الصحيح

Put these sentences in the correct order

you Have had holiday yet a?

. It to get takes minutes to work
. suitcases How carrying many he was?
. so late you should go not to bed
He got has few friends a
. Do eat enough you fruit not

اسال سؤال لكل اجابة

Write the question for these statements:

This is my book

We met him yesterday

Her leg was broken while she was running


Yes I went to Luxor


My mother helped me


حول الجمل الاتية الي النفي

Change these sentences from positive to negative

I've already been to the bank

I need some money

I had lunch at 2 o'clock

He likes going to work

29-08-2007, 09:50 PM
اجابه المستوى الاول
A. Yes, I live
B. I am 21 years old
D. No, I don't have
I'm from Egypt
A What's her job
He doesn't like playing Tennis
He often goes to the cinema
He's going to the school
He doesn't go to work
I don't like cheese
We are not married
She doesn't have an old house
I am not Egyptian
He doesn't play tennis
They are from Egypt.
They live in London
They go to work on foot
Am I right .........

29-08-2007, 11:31 PM
السلام عليكم...

رح أستنى الإجابات يا مس قمر متل ما أمرت...
أنا حليت المستوى التالت..
أكتبلك إياهن؟؟

ويعطيك ألف عافية

دكتوره فوفو
30-08-2007, 01:35 AM
اجابه المستوى الاول
A. Yes, I live
B. I am 21 years old
D. No, I don't have
I'm from Egypt
A What's her job
He doesn't like playing Tennis
He often goes to the cinema
He's going to the school
He doesn't go to work
I don't like cheese
We are not married
She doesn't have an old house
I am not Egyptian
He doesn't play tennis
They are from Egypt.
They live in London
They go to work on foot
Am I right .........

اختي العزيزه
الموضوع هنا للامتحانات
بينما يوجد موضوعاخر للاجابات تصححي منهااجاباتك
واذا كان لسه مانزلش تبعتيلي على الخاص

دكتوره فوفو
30-08-2007, 01:39 AM
السلام عليكم...

رح أستنى الإجابات يا مس قمر متل ما أمرت...
أنا حليت المستوى التالت..
أكتبلك إياهن؟؟

ويعطيك ألف عافية
عليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
اللي يمتحن المستوى الثالث لازم يكون تخطىالمستويين الاول والثاني

لو تخطيتيهم قوليلي واصححلك الامتحان ده

^شوووق للجنان^
30-08-2007, 02:45 AM
اختر الاجابة الصحيحة

Did you have lunch at home yesterday

A. No, I haven't

B. No, I hadn't

C. No, I don't

D. No, I didn't

Where do you live

A. At 45 Orabi Street, Alex

B. On 45 Orabi Street, Alex

C. In 45 Orabi Street, Alex

D. From 45 Orabi Street, Alex

Where are you from

Where are soha and Mona from

Where do they from

Where are they of

They are from Egypt

A. What she does?

B. What do she do?

C. What does she?

. D.What does she do

She's a teacher

A. Do you live in a house or a flat?

B. Does you live in a house or a flat?

C. Are you live in a house or a flat?

D. Live you in a house or a flat?

In a flat

ضع علامة صح او خطا

Correct or incorrect

He not lives in England .خطأ

How much it costs? . خطأ

My uncle has 25 years old صح

Where did you went at the خطأ


What's your job? I'm a policemanصح

Do you like your new job? Yes, I مترددة عشان الجواب المفروض يكون yes I do..لأننا لو وضعنا yes I like my job لابد أن نكمل الجمله فتكون (خطأ)


رتب الجمل الاتية

Put these sentences in the correct order

London a city very is big

London is a very big city

beach sometimes I go in to summer the
sometimes in the summer I go to beach

Isometimes go to beach in the summer

people there in are class our
there are people in our class

spell How you city do?

how do u spell city

brother goes running in evening my the

in the evening,my brother goes running

my brother goes running in the evening

just they arrived in London have
they have just arrived in london

اكتب اسئلة للاجابات الاتية

Write the question for these statements:

This is my book

Whose book is this?

We found it in the street

Where did you find it

Sarah is playing basketball

What [/quote]
what is sarah playing?

I wish my answers will be correct


^شوووق للجنان^
30-08-2007, 04:03 AM
امتحان المستوي الثالث
اختار الاجابة الصحيحة
Choos the correct answer

How long have you been living in Alex?

A. for 5 years

B. since 5 years

C. 5 years ago
D. in 5 years

Did you have lunch at home yesterday?

A. No, I haven't
B. No, I hadn't
C. No, I don't

D. No, I didn't

A. Do you can have any money?
B. Have you get any money?
C. Do you have got any money?

D. Have you got any money?

No, I'm sorry. I haven't got

A. What would you do if you win the lottery?
B. What do you do if you win the lottery?
C. What will you do if you won the lottery?

D. What would you do if you won the lottery?

I'd buy a new car

A. Do you have meat for dinner?

B. Have you ever had meat for dinner?

C. Have you meat for dinner?
D. Did you have got meat for dinner?

- Yes, I have

ايهما في هذه العبارات صحيح وايهما خطا

Decide if these sentences are correct or incorrect

[How much it costsincorrect???????????

My uncle born in Tanta Soha's father has got greens incorrect

There aren't enough parkings
in Cairo?incorrect

. Do they smoke at work? correct

ضع كلمات كل جملة في ترتيبها الصحيح

Put these sentences in the correct order

[you Have had holiday yet a?

have u had aholiday yet?

[center]. It to get takes minutes to work

it takes minutes to get to work

suitcases How carrying many he was
How many suitcases he was carrying?

so late you should go not to bed

so you should not go to bed late

He got has few friends a

He has got a few freinds

. Do eat enough you fruit not

Dont you eat enough fruit


اسال سؤال لكل اجابة

[center]Write the question for these statements:

This is my book

[Whose book is this

We met him yesterday

When did you met him yesterday]

[center]Her leg was broken while she was running

What was broken?

Yes I went to Luxor

Did u go to Luxor?

My mother helped me

who helped you?

حول الجمل الاتية الي النفي

[center]Change these sentences from positive to negative

I've already been to the bank

I havent been 2 the bank

I need some money

I dont need money

I had lunch at 2 o'clock

I didnt havelunch at 2 oclock

He likes going to work

He doesnt like going to work

30-08-2007, 09:06 PM
السلام عليكم

أهلين دكتورة فوفو

أنا تخطيت المستويين الأول 19ـ20
والتاني نفس الشي 19/20

بتحبي أبعتلك الإجابات؟؟

وبالنسبة لإمتحان المستوى التالت بعتو إلك عالخاص..

خبريني شو أسوي؟؟

وشكرا كتير

ويعطيك ألف ألف عافية

دكتوره فوفو
31-08-2007, 02:08 AM
السلام عليكم

أهلين دكتورة فوفو

أنا تخطيت المستويين الأول 19ـ20
والتاني نفس الشي 19/20

بتحبي أبعتلك الإجابات؟؟

وبالنسبة لإمتحان المستوى التالت بعتو إلك عالخاص..

خبريني شو أسوي؟؟

وشكرا كتير

ويعطيك ألف ألف عافية
باذن الله هصححه

31-08-2007, 02:57 PM
ما بتقصري والله

وشكرا كتير إلك
ويعطيك ألف ألف عافية