View Full Version : [ طلب ] تعبير عن الملك عبدالله للصف الثالث ثانوي (تم)

ريـم الشمـال
16-05-2007, 12:26 AM
السلام عليكـم ورحمة الله وبركاته

ازيكم ....... عاملين ايه ؟ <<< محوله مصري :ss:


لاهنتوا ابي منكم تعبير عن الملك عبدالله لأني حاسه انه بيجي السنه هذي

تكفوووووووون استنى الرد ;)

مع السلامه

أمير الحرف
16-05-2007, 02:11 AM
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله

الحمد لله
تفضلي وبالتوفيق أن شاء الله

King Abdullah

In August, 2005, Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz, formerly Crown Prince, became the sixth King of Saudi Arabia, Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and Prime Minister. He remained head of the Kingdom's National Guard which he has commanded since 1962. Born in Riyadh in 1924, he was given a formal religious education.

Throughout his long public life, HRH Crown Prince Abdullah has exerted a major influence on both the domestic and foreign policy of the Kingdom.

The appointment in 1962 of the then Crown Prince Abdullah as head of the National Guard (formed originally from the descendants of those who fought alongside King Abdul Aziz (Ibn Saud) to consolidate the Kingdom) was particularly appropriate in view of his intimate knowledge of the tribes of the Kingdom and his love of the desert and its traditions.

Since his appointment, the King has transformed the National Guard into not only an effective modern military force but also a unique social and cultural institution. He has played a particularly noteworthy role in preserving and celebrating the cultural heritage of the Kingdom.

A major element in the preservation of the Kingdom's heritage is the annual National Heritage and Cultural Festival, inaugurated in 1985, and held in Jenadriyah. With the King as its patron, the Festival which includes folksong, dance and literary events, attracts visitors from all over the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

ريـم الشمـال
18-05-2007, 04:34 PM
جزاكـ الله خير اخوي

بس احس انه طويل شوي ماتقدر تختصره لي <<<< ادري اني زودتها

ومشكور على كل حال

أمير الحرف
18-05-2007, 09:26 PM
الأخت / ريم

يمكنك حفظ ستة اسطر من الموضوع ولكن لابد من الاهتمام بحسن الخط وعلامات الترقيم وترابط الموضوع والاهتمام اكثر بالاملاء . وفقك الله .

King Abdullah

In August, 2005, Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz, formerly Crown Prince, became the sixth King of Saudi Arabia, Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and Prime Minister. He remained head of the Kingdom's National Guard which he has commanded since 1962. Born in Riyadh in 1924, he was given a formal religious education.

Throughout his long public life, HRH Crown Prince Abdullah has exerted a major influence on both the domestic and foreign policy of the Kingdom

ريـم الشمـال
19-05-2007, 05:22 PM
جزاك الله خير اخوي وماقصرت

فعلاً ساعدتني


شمووخ همّه
20-05-2007, 02:03 AM
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته
ريومه موفقه يالغلا

ع ــبير }~
20-05-2007, 02:32 AM
اتمنى لك التوفيق اختي (:

08-03-2011, 07:32 PM
وعليكم السلام ورحمه الله وبركاته
الله يوفقك ريـــــــــــــــــــــوم

الفراشه حلا
08-03-2011, 08:36 PM
ذكرتيني ياريم بايام المدرسه كنت اكره المدرسه لاكن اليوم اتمنى اني ادرس مره ثانيه وبالتوفيق ان شاء الله ياريم الفلا.....http://www.lakii.com/vb/smile/17-22.gif (http://www.lakii.com/vb/smiles/index.php)

مملكة الابداع
19-12-2011, 06:01 PM
شاكره لك