View Full Version : °¨¨™¤¦ مسابقة اللغة الانجليزية - Step#3 ¦¤™¨¨°

ابن جده
01-02-2006, 12:31 AM

Step# 3

:: من اليوم الثلاثاء وحتى مساء الأحد ::


السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

حياكم الله وبياكم وتبوأتم من الجنة منزلاً ،،

إليكم سؤال المرحلة الثالثة من مسابقتنا ..


المطلوب كتابة خطاب لا يقل عن 300 كلمة ولا يزيد عن 350 كلمة موجه لجريدة يولاند بوستن الدنماركية ،،
تتكلمون فيه عن أهمية الرسول - عليه الصلاة والسلام - وتذكرون مواقف مشرقة من حياته - عليه الصلاة والسلام - وكيف أنهم أخطؤوا خطأً فادحاً بما فعلوا .. وأن الإسلام دين سلام وليس دين إرهابٍ كما يدّعون ..

سيتم اختيار أفضل خطاب وسيتم إرساله لرئيس تحرير الجريدة باسم منتدى لكِ

بالتوفيق ،،
وبانتظار حلولكم هنا ..

أخوكم / ابن جده


01-02-2006, 01:44 AM
حاولت أن أضع ردي في موضوع step 2 و لكنه مغلق على الرغم أننا ما زلنا في ليلة الثلاثاء ,, عشان هيك حطيته هنا, و ما أعرف إذا لسه أنا ضمن المسابقة و إلا خرجت منها :(

الترجمة :

الفقرة الأولى :

لا يكون الإنسان مسلماً ما لم يلفظ الشهادة و يدخل الإسلام, حتى لو كان معجباً بالإسلام و يقر بأنه خير الأديان و بأنه دين عظيم و نحو ذلك .
فعم الرسول عليه الصلاة و السلام أبو طالب مات كافرا , و لقد منع الله رسوله من الإستغفار له , على الرغم من أنه كان يدافع عن الرسول عليه الصلاة و السلام , و قد قال في قصائده :
أعلم بأن دين محمد أفضل أديان الإنسانية و لو لا خوف اللوم و التشهير لكنت أمنت به .

الفقرة الثانية :

يعيش ميكو القرد في الغابة . عائلته كبيرة جداً فهو يعيش مع إخوته السبعة و أخواته الست و أمه و أباه و جده و جدته و عماته الثلاث و أعمامه الأربع .. يا لها من عائلة كبيرة!!

لكن ميكو تعيس فهو الأضئل حجما و الأصغر سنا في عائلته و أخوته و أخواته يسخرون منه لأنه صغير جداً , إنهم يتأرجحون على الأشجار و ميكو لا يستطع مجاراتهم فيضحكون " ها ها ها " و يتركون ميكو خلفهم .

ميكو صغير جداً . يأكل أخوته و أخواته الطعام من موز و فاكهة و مكسرات في الغابة و حين يصل ميكو لا يجد شيئا و لذا يبقى صغيراً جداً جداً .

تذهب القردة إلى القرية المجاورة للغابة للبحث عن الطعام في بعض الأحيان , بالقرب من الغابة هناك منزل ذو حديقة ملىء بأشجار الفاكهة, تتراكض القردة للحديقة و تسرق بعض الموز للتسلية .
هناك أيضا أشجار رامبوتان كبيرة ، و الرامبوتان هي فاكهه حمراء و مشعرة تحبها القردة , و لكن ميكو لا يحصل على موز أو رامبوتان .
في أحد الأيام , هبت عاصفة شديدة , هطل المطر باستمرار بحيث ملئ الغابة بالماء فتسلقت القردة الأشجار
و كان على عائلة ميكو أن تبقى على الأشجار لأن الماء أصبح نهراً و اشتدت سرعة النهر أكثر فأكثر .
واستحالت غابة القرود الصغيرة الى جزيرة تحيطها المياه من كل جانب .

صاحبة القلادة
01-02-2006, 08:51 PM
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله

هذا الدور صعب نوعا ما ..........


ابن جده
01-02-2006, 09:00 PM
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله

هذا الدور صعب نوعا ما ..........


الأخت صدى الذكريات

انتي بالذات مالك مفر

اكتبي اللي تقدري عليه

حتى لو ماوصلتي 300 كلمه

باقي المشاركين يجيدون اللغه الأنجليزيه

عشان كذا مافي اي استثناءات

و لكن انتي حاله خاصه و انا ابغى اساعدك تتعلمي

عشان كذا اكتبي اللي تقدري عليه عشان تتعلمي من اخطائك

يالله ورينا شطارتك

ورينا قد ايش انتي زعلانه على التطاول على الرسول صلى الله عليه و سلم

وريني رح تكتبي ايش

شدي حيلك

وفقك الله

01-02-2006, 10:47 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
إخوتي / أخواتي الكرام ..

أين الحماس !!
أين نحن من نصرة نبينا محمد - صلى الله عليه وسلم - !!
شمّروا عن سواعدكم ،، ليس لأجل المسابقة .. بل لأجل حبيبنا المصطفى - عليه أفضل الصلاة والتسليم - ..

دعونا نوجه صرخة صادقة لهذه الصحيفة ..

لو لم أكن مشرفة ومسؤولة عن المسابقة مع الأخ ابن جدة لشاركت ولرأيتم ماذا سأكتب لرئيس التحرير :[]:

هيا ،، إلى العمل :)

ابن جده
01-02-2006, 10:55 PM
الله يهديكي يا عروبه

خوفتيهم بالطرطيعه (المفرقعات) اللي في ردك

يا جماعه هل تحبوا اننا نمد الموعد النهائي لهذه المرحله الي مساء الأحد

يالله ورونا الهمه

كل واحد فيكم كتب و ماقصر بالعربي

لمن جت على الأنجليزي كلكم تقاعستوا

او بس قدرتوا على قصة ميكو:[MM

يالله ورونا الهمه

لأني اصلا ناوي اكتب رساله للجريده

بس ابغى اشوف رسائلكم::JH::

و ابغى اختبر اجادتكم للقواعد و اسلوب الكتابه

اللي راح كان لعب عيال

الان يبان المستوى الحقيقي

او تبغوا تكسبوا لقب المسابقه على الماشي كذاq)

02-02-2006, 12:41 AM
السلام عليكم
طيب ممكن استعين بالمواضيع اللي كتبوها بالعربي لاني عن جد مش عارفه من وين ابدي و الصراحة التعبير او الانشاء بده تركيز وهالايام بالي مش رايق

ابن جده
02-02-2006, 12:48 AM
السلام عليكم
طيب ممكن استعين بالمواضيع اللي كتبوها بالعربي لاني عن جد مش عارفه من وين ابدي و الصراحة التعبير او الانشاء بده تركيز وهالايام بالي مش رايق

يا ام عبدالله

كذا صارت ترجمه و حنا اختبرنا الترجمه

و حتى الرسائله الفائزه رح تخضع لبعض التعديلات قبل مانرسلها للجريده

انا كل اللي اقدر عليه اني اطلب الأخت عروبه تمد الموعد النهائي لهذه المرحله

و انتي اكتبي 3 سطور 4 سطور و اتركيها

و بعدين ارجعي و زيدي عليها

و هكذا

لين توصلي للصيغه النهائيه

يالله فرصتك انك تعبري عن حبك للمصطفى عليه الصلاة و السلام

و ترسلي رسالتك لرئيس التحرير

02-02-2006, 12:54 AM
الصراحة عروبة خرعتنا
انتوا عطونا فرصة بس شفيكم ما فات الا يوم
بنطًلع افضل ما عندنا انشالله
وياليت ابن جدة تمدد المدة
وانشالله نبيض الوجه :ss:

02-02-2006, 01:06 AM
انا ما قصدت اني انقل موضوع كامل بس قصدت اني استفيد من كتاباتهم و اخذ افكار
يعني ما شاء الله هذا المنتدى غني بالمثقفين و مستوى جامعي اما انا فيا دوب الصف العاشر و لسى راجعة ادرس من جديد يعني انقطعت عن الدراسه ما لا يقل عن 8 سنوات
قلت باخذ افكار وبصيغها بطريقتي

ابن جده
02-02-2006, 01:25 AM
انا ما قصدت اني انقل موضوع كامل بس قصدت اني استفيد من كتاباتهم و اخذ افكار
يعني ما شاء الله هذا المنتدى غني بالمثقفين و مستوى جامعي اما انا فيا دوب الصف العاشر و لسى راجعة ادرس من جديد يعني انقطعت عن الدراسه ما لا يقل عن 8 سنوات
قلت باخذ افكار وبصيغها بطريقتي

خلاص طيب مسموح

بس لاتترجمي نصوص

ابغى افكارك انتي لأن هذا دفاعك الشخصي عن الحبي عليه الصلاة و السلام

صاحبة القلادة
02-02-2006, 04:06 AM
اكتبي اللي تقدري عليه

حتى لو ماوصلتي 300 كلمه

جزاك الله ألف ألف ألف خير

كتبت الرسالة بالعربي و فعلا ما وصلت ل 300

قد أحتاج مساعدتك في الملحق قبل الإنتهاء من الترجمة

شكرا جزيلا

02-02-2006, 04:21 PM
الله يهديكي يا عروبه

خوفتيهم بالطرطيعه (المفرقعات) اللي في ردك

وأيضاً :

الصراحة عروبة خرعتنا

بما أنني تسببت في ترويعكم وتخريعكم :[MM
تم تمديد المدة حتى مساء الأحد ..

وورونا شطارتكم :)

رشا محمود
02-02-2006, 04:37 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

هذه مشاركة بسيطة من جانبى لا ترقى لتمثيلنا باسم لك ولكن لضيق الوقت اضطر للمشاركة بها على ماهى عليه واتمنى مشاركات أفضل من الجميع إن شاء الله علما باننى لم أحسب عدد كلماتها

In our religion Islam we do respect all other religions as our god and his prophet (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) ordered us. We can't insult others because they don't believe in Islam. We show them respect and treat them in a good manner as our religion taught us. Good behavior from our side is required all the time to show the generosity of our great religion Islam. But on other hand we never accept that insult to our prophet (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). This great man who suffered a lot to spread his message and obey god orders and teach us the great manners of Islam and show that all human being is equal and have the same rights no one is better than other unless with his religiousness. A man who fight for a human freedom and dignity and to free slaves from slavery and treat them as a human being. This great man who never seek for fortune or position. They people were trust in him because he was always honest and fair man and never lie to them. This man only wants the goodness for us. And he deserve that all human being respect them and admired his good manners and never to install him because we will never allow that and we will fight them back with all our forces. And defend our Prophet (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)

قلم رجالي
02-02-2006, 05:36 PM
والله آسف بس وقتي ما سمح لي اني اكتب شي يليق بهالموضوع بس و الله اني كتب هذا اللحين و انا من جد مستحي ..كان ودي اكتب أحسن من كذا .. بس هذا اللي جا في بالي الآن و ان شاء الله يكون اللي كتبته شي يشفع لي ..

I do believe that the press is one of the greatest tools of freedom in every nation . it speaks out for its people and usually it expresses and discusses what can not be otherwise expressed or discussed . The press can bring peace and it can start up a revolution or a war as well ..

What your newspaper have published did not only offend our prophet but it has been an offense to every and each one of us in the Islamic nation world-wide , can you imagine the outcome of offending millions of people in such thoughtless way ?

I would agree with you and say it is just an act of freedom to publish whatever you want . And you may ask , what is the use of the press if it can not be granted freedom of expressing thoughts and ideas in all fields .

But at the same time , freedom has limits and when it goes beyond those limits it takes another dimension specially when it lacks morality and start to be an offensive tool instead of being a freedom tool .
And I am quite sure that you know what type of a disaster that a freedom which lacks
Morality can lead to .

The person you have offended is a man who has changed our lives , is the messenger of God , who has been sent as a mercy to the whole mankind and who we really bear gratitude till the last day of our lives ..

This is not the place to talk about our prophet Mohammad because 1000 books can not just tell how great he is and his mission that he has accomplished in a way that no one else can do , and how dare am I to even think to talk about him in few lines , so I decided not to do it ..

I really advice you to read about him and I am sure that books talking about him are available everywhere .

I would suggest that saying sorry may help but I am afraid that it will take your lifetime and so endless generations of your family to say it to everyone who has been offended by such an act , because everyday millions of new people who bear gratitude to the prophet Mohammad are born .

مثل العادة .. نقط النهاية و الفواصل تجي معي بالمقلوب .. و الله تعبت .

رهف القلوب
03-02-2006, 11:04 AM
Dear my brother

thank you for encouraging to learn and improve my English language but the last completion need time to gather ideas and to think carefully with style of writing especial many vocabularies are not available in my mind .

I will try to write but I will not promise you

Thank you again

04-02-2006, 08:52 AM
Freedome is a great thing but i beleive it should have a certain limitaion. as freedom is affecting many people, it should work in a good manner. i don't beleive that the press, which is the best way to descripe freedome, have the right to insult other people;s relegions and specially others prophets.l it is the wide world knowing that people have the right to take the relegion they like. and islam teaches all musilms to beleive in all prophets.

As from what happened lately, the press had no right to make any pictures that would link any prophet to any terrorist group. our prophet Mohammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) tought us to respect and take of others even if they are not muslims. even in war we can not kill an old man, a lady, and a kid. this is a one reason that the press should not send out any pictures that would give a bad reputaion about him. another reason is that the prophet Mohammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was very kind and helpful and never had any terrorist ideas. these are some reasons from many that tells you what a great person he is and never what are they are talking about.
I also beleive that all the musilims and all the people who beleives that Mohammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was a great man should defend him. i beleive that muslims should stop dealing with the country that helped spreading these great lies about our prophet (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). i also beleive that all muslims should use whatever they got in their power to stop it. even if we had to go to war over it.
At the end i would advise any nonmuslim who talks about islam to go back and read about this religon and the graet man who spend all of his life making sure everyone get the message of islam from god. i also advise these people to make sure they read and study the right thing and islam is a religion that talks for itself.

كنت اتمنى ان اكتب افضل من هيك خصوصا ان الموضوع يخص حبينا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم
ولكن على الاقل فقط جربت

04-02-2006, 11:26 PM
Regardless of how I felt or how many Muslims felt about what has been published in your newspapers, let me just try to address your common sense. Imagine that an Arab Bedouin who lives in a tent in the desert and knows absolutely nothing about other cultures and writes a book on Shakespeare, claiming that he was not a poet and he used to have everything written for him. He also adds that Shakespeare was drunk all the time and used to abuse children. What would you say about that? Definitely, you would say this man is totally ignorant and knows nothing about Shakespeare. Imagine that another Bedouin claim that Noble was a terrorist and killed as many as thousands of people. What would you say to that? You would gasp and scream saying that this is nonsense. Every body knows that Noble was a man of peace. I say to you that every one in Europe must have read about Noble and his prize, but our ignorant Bedouin never heard about him. This applies to the person who draw that insulting caricature. Had he known anything about our prophet, he would have never thought of doing what he has done for the same reason. IGNORANCE. I advise you all to expand your horizons and read about other cultures to be fair to them. READ about the great Prophet of Islam and you will definitely regret what you have done. You seem to be ignorant and not well-cultured. Haven't you ever heard of THOMAS CHARLYLE. He wrote a book about the greatest one hundred persons in the world. Do you know who is ranked first in this book. You will be surprised that it is MUHAMMAD peace be upon him. Charlyle was asked why Muhammad is put first while Jesus was the fifth greatest person. He answered that Muhammad was different because he could change the world; he could change a whole nation; he could establish a civilization. I will not defend the Prophet here, for God will take care of this : "Lo! We defend thee from the scoffer ". We expect God's punishment to fall on those who insulted our prophet very soon. What I advise you to do now is to READ about Islam and the Prophet of Islam.

ديانة-ام لينا
05-02-2006, 01:11 AM
What is terrorism?
Terrorism is doing things that are unlawful where you make people terrified to go out and continue their normal life. Your cartoons are portrayal of the prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) are in fact terrorism for our religion, because the fact that us, Muslims, are only known nowadays, with the help of your cartoons, have given us a very bad reputation and had insulted a great person who is our role model for society and perfect being for our religion, Islam. Muhammad was not a terrorist, Muhammad did not ask us to make fun of other religions, Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) did not kill people unjustified, Muhammad did not make up the religion on his own with out the greater power of all, God. You don’t know prophet Muhammad’s (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) story you cant judge him.
The story of our prophet is long and painful for a person who has fought for the name of God just like all of the other messengers. Why did we not draw cartoons that make fun of Christianity? Or Judaism? Or Buddhism? Or Hinduism? Why did you pick Islam as the evil religion and portrayed it in such a cartoons, and when I speak of Islam I speak of Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) because he did not deserve this. The terrorists deserve it. In fact our book, Koran, has mentioned over and over that people who kill themselves, or kill other people for no apparent reason they will burn in hell over and over because God created his creatures to be a perfect beings and not to be killed or tortured. He did not authorize anyone to kill his beings for no reason. When it is time for someone to die, God will take him, not us, and not Muhammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).
For all of the above you contribution of those cartoons tells us that your country has made its one of its worst decisions of a well developed country. We see how much you country hates us, and isn’t the Scandinavian countries are well know for their great contributions for the human rights? I am sure of the American slogan, what comes around goes around, well seems like Denmark’s time has come. Look at the protests that are roaming your streets nowadays, has this ever happened in your country recent history?
We are angry at the cartoons for making fun of our dear prophet, and God will punish the sinners, if not sooner it will be or later.

05-02-2006, 04:13 PM
Jyllands Posten,
From the day I was born ,I heard the words of Allah being whispered through my ear. These words were :" I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah and that Muhammad is His Slave and Messenger".
I cann't blame you for what you did ,just because you don't know who Muhammad is. And I am begging you to open your hearts and read about Him. And you will find the answer for why muslims believe in Him.
The Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, was the most tolerant of all people and the kindest; if someone abused him, he would forgive him, and the harsher a person was, the more patient he, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, would become. He was most lenient and forgiving, especially when he had the upper hand and the power to retaliate ; and there are not enough words to describe his greatness, a greatness that overwhelmed all people in all ages, and was decreed to be eternal. It is this greatness that is instilled in all hearts, settled in all souls, felt by all the people and even the enemies of Islaam.
Here are some of what famous and contemporary personalities who read His biography :
George Bernard Shaw, the British playwright said: “The world is in dire need of a man with the mind of Muhammad; religious people in the Middle Ages, due to their ignorance and prejudice, had pictured him in a very dark way as they used to consider him the enemy of Christianity. But after looking into the story of this man I found it to be an amazing and a miraculous one, and I came to the conclusion that he was never an enemy of Christianity, and must be called instead the savior of humanity. In my opinion, if he was to be given control over the world today, he would solve our problems and secure the peace and happiness which the world is longing for.”
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, the German writer said: “Us, Europeans, with all our concepts could not reach what Muhammad has reached, and no one will be able to precede him. I have looked in the history of humanity for an example and found that it was Muhammad, as the truth must be revealed. Indeed, Muhammad succeeded to subdue the entire world to monotheism”.
And you could find more if you search.
Muhammad was walking with nothing but Allah as his aid. Even if some one of His family were involved in something ,He said : , sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, was the most just, even if the opponent was an enemy; penal laws would be imposed even against the people closest to him, and he even swore to this effect saying: “I swear by Allaah! If Faatimah, the daughter of Muhammad were to steal, I would amputate her hand”.
What a person!!! I just hope that I 'll meet Him in Paradise .
People talk about terrorism and do say that there is a connection between Islaam and it,terrorism. For these we say that if a person killed someone ,so we consider him as a murder of all human beings, just simply because he killed the humaneness in this person .
We hope that you will consider my letter to you because what you did has really insulted us and made us very sad and disappointing.

أتمنى أن لا تحسبوا الأسطر التي نقلتها عن المستشرقين ، لأنها منقولة و ليست من تأليفي طبعا

صاحبة القلادة
05-02-2006, 04:28 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله

لقد كتبت رسالة باللغة العربية لكني لم أقدر على ترجمتها لصعوبة الكلمات , فأعدت صياغتها مرة أخرى

آسفة لقلة الأسطر

هناك أخطاء أعرفها لكني لم أعرف كيف أصححها
Mrs president

my letter is an objection of what the journalist did

many poeple have a misunderstanding of Islam, because of the ignorance or the hatred of our warships , but it's became an agression on our freedoms basing on liberty of speech
the freedom of expess is a part of liberty of human , and this last will finish when the liberty of others start , as what the journalist do is a very big mistake , it's no ligitim and contradict all constitutions in the world
the prophet mohammed (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is not a president of a country or a player of foot-ball so that we forget it by his death or his retirement ,he is the messanger of allah , our love is spring of the believe of him because he did her mission perfectly and faithfully , and islam arrive to us without modifications because of allah and him.

its life was full with concern and of the problems, it resists to give us the correct way of the paradise

the difference between muslims and no muslims is very clear , no muslim can offense a prophet same if it's people are christiens or jews not because of the fear but to obey allah and mohammed (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) our symbol

so, don't take our feeling easy , because we are able to do anything for defend the prophet
we wish to see a civil and moral reaction to correct this invalid situation

Enas Hatem
05-02-2006, 09:29 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
للاسف بسبب ظروف اسريه لم استطع كتابه الرساله و لكننى كنت اريد المشاركه باى طريقه فى هذا الموضوع و اليوم وصلتنى هذه الرساله و مرفق معها عناوين لسفارات الدنمارك فى عدة بلاد لمن يريد ارسلها للاحتجاج عبر اليميل

We Demand You Apologize Immediately to All Muslims

We used to consi der Denmark to be one of the most peaceful nations in
the world, and one of the countries that respects all religions.

But what was published in Jyllands-Posten on 30-9-2005 is not acceptable by any Muslim and has no relation with freedom of opinion or speech. It only serves to promote hatred and bad relations with the Islamic World.

This magazine should publish an article apologizing to Muslims for what was written in order for Denmark to remain a country of liberty and tolerance.

Written in the name of Muslims all over the world
''kulamb@um.dk'',''dubamb@um.dk'' ,''wasamb@um.dk'', ''haaamb@um.dk'',''tyoamb@um.dk'',''helamb@um.dk'' ,''accamb@um.dk'',''ottamb@um.dk'',''sinamb@um.dk' ', ''lonamb@um.dk'',''delamb@um.dk'',''bkkamb@um.dk'' ,''bjsamb@um.dk'',''konsulat@denmark.ch'', ''botschaft@denmark.ch'',''pryamb@um.dk'',''nboamb @um.dk'',''vieamb@um.dk'',''dkembassy@denmark.org. br'',''gamb@prgamb.um.dk'',''tllamb@tllamb.um.dk'' ,''nkamb@um.dk'', ''ankamb@ankamb.um.dk'',''caiamb@um.dk''

للاسف سوف تجدونى قد تركت مسافه بين الحروف و انا اكتب كلمة( consi der) لاننى كلما كتبتها صحيحه ظهر لى وجه باكى consider

06-02-2006, 11:03 AM
دخلت و صححت المشاركة لأن الذي صححها و أزال الوجوه الباكية أخطأ في تصحيح أحد الكلمتين

قلم رجالي
06-02-2006, 10:33 PM
عندي اقتراح بسيط بالنسبة للرسالة التي سوف يتم اختيارها أو ارسالها باسم المنتدى ..
ليش بدل ما يتم اختيار رسالة عضو واحد ، تكون الرسالة عبارة عن رسالة منتقاة من جميع الرسائل اللي كتبها
الأعضاء ، لأن كل رسالة من هالرسائل بها فكرة حلوة أو عبارة أو أسلوب غير موجود في بقية الرسائل ..
وبعدين هالرسالة راح تكون بجد تعبر عن رسالة المنتدى لأن الجميع شارك في كتابتها ..
:) And so , Everybody wins

~ رزان ~
07-02-2006, 12:08 AM
عدتُ :)

Jyllands Posten
We admire your freedom of speech , but also you have to admire our Islamic concept of dignifying Allah’s Messenger
You have to know that our prophet (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) really deserves this dignifying because he distinguished by a lot of wonderful and golden priorities
Before Islam , people that knew him, said that he is honest and faithful and after Islam was very patient , high minded , modest , and optimistic .

He was great in his mercy. When he was persecuted by the people of a city and stoned until his feet kept bleeding, the angel of the mountains asked for his permission to destroy them. Yet his response was to supplicate Allah to guide them and to save them.
Also, in one battle , he was injured, overcome by his enemies, had his front teeth broken, and fell into a pit with blood gushing from his wounds. In that moment some people asked him to curse them and to invoke Allah to heart them, he declined stressing the fact that he was sent as a mercy to all of humankind. He even invoked Allah to guide them to the right way and to excuse them for their ignorance.

This is our merciful religion that you accuse of terrorism!

This is our prophet Mohammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him),the best man in human race. He changed history and followed him about 2 muslim milliard just in this time.

We don't want simple formal apology !! Rather we want you to do things that prove your real apology
for example , you can spread the correct biography of Allah's Messenger in your newspaper

Finally, you have to know that our loving for Mohammad (Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) didn't come from space! but it came from his humanity and splendor ..
You can read Islamic books about him to be sure of that .

If you don't take notice of Muslim speech,wait Allah's punishment for you because you insult his Messenger.