View Full Version : °¨¨™¤¦ مسابقة اللغة الانجليزية - Step#1 ¦¤™¨¨°

ابن جده
25-01-2006, 07:42 PM

Step# 1

:: من اليوم الأربعاء وحتى مساء السبت ::


السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

حياكم الله وبياكم وتبوأتم من الجنة منزلاً ،،

إليكم سؤال المرحلة الأولى من مسابقتنا ..


:: لديكم 10 كلمات عربية ،، المطلوب بعد ترجمتها للغة الانجليزية هو وضعها في 10 جمل مفيدة ،، أي أن التقييم سيكون على مدى صحة الجمل ::

الكلمات هي :

ملعب مباراة

بالتوفيق ،،
وبانتظار حلولكم هنا ..

أخوكم / ابن جده


روان 01
25-01-2006, 07:56 PM
هل يكن الرد في هذا الموضوع

وجزاكم الله خيرا

ابن جده
25-01-2006, 07:59 PM
هل يكن الرد في هذا الموضوع

وجزاكم الله خيرا

نعم أرجو وضع الأجوبه هنا

وفقكم الله

25-01-2006, 07:59 PM
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته ،،

بارك الله فيك أخي ابن جده ،،

وبانتظار التنافس بين الأعضاء والعضوات ..

بالتوفيق لكم جميعاً ،،

إيمان علي
25-01-2006, 08:04 PM
ما شاء الله موضوع رائع وسيكون غنياً بالمعلومات المفيدة، بارك الله فيك أخي.. وبالتوفيق للجميع.

ياسمينة ..
26-01-2006, 11:22 AM
وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته،

ما شاء الله.. جميل جدا.. بارك الله في جهودكم..

و لكن... أين الجميع؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

سأفتتح المسابقة بمشاركة وجدانية فقط :)

The victims of the air crash have been transferred to hospital as soon as possible

I am beginning to doubt whether she is actually innocent

رشا محمود
26-01-2006, 11:41 AM
Dear Brother

It is a Pleasure to participate in this interesting contest. I hope that it well help me to Improve my English Language too. Thanks to all of you and good luck for every body

Please find below my sentences at the same arrange of the mentioned arabic words

Every war had its victims

I am sure of that no doubt

I feel worry about her

I can explain you that point

He is in the prison now for his crimes

The baby smiles to me

Sorry to interrupt you but you had to see this

You look so attractive in this suit

I watched that match in the playground

He looked so embarrassed when he came to the stage

صاحبة القلادة
26-01-2006, 02:52 PM
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته


سأفتتح المسابقة بمشاركة وجدانية فقط

الله أكبر

يعني تريدونا نجمع أغرادنا و نهرب ؟

و الأخت رشا ما مضيعة وقت ::JH:: كل جملة أقوى من الثانية

ما ني عارفة أعمل نصف جملة مثل هذه

عارفة أني عندي أخطاء في تحويل الأفعال

طيب توكلت على الله

It were victims

I doubt about you

don't worry , be always happy:D

can you explain more? :o

she smiles with me

we must interrupt him

please help him ,they are in the prison

i meet she in playground

if you buy this dress , you will be very attractive

she was very embarrassed when she talks with me

شكرا جزيلا لكم

26-01-2006, 03:13 PM
Children are (victims) of family problems
If I have any (doubt), I won't tell
Don't (worry), she won't be late
I'll (explain) everything to the boss
He spent most of his life in (jail
I don't like to be (disturbed) when I'm reading
She has a beautiful (smile)
She is so (attractive)
He was playing in the (playground) for about three hours
You look so (embarrassed), what happened

قلم رجالي
26-01-2006, 05:12 PM
السلام عليكم ..
من أيام المرحلة المتوسطة و أنا أموووووووووووووووووت في مادة التعبير ..
ما عليه ، اتحملووووووني شوي ..

I really feel sorry to see the number of AIDS victims increasing day by day in this world , but I am really sure with a complete confidence and just can not doubt it , that is a real dilemma that gets people everywhere worried about .

Even though governments all around the world have tried so hard to warn their citizens and explain all the causes that leads to get infected with this virus , but yet , we can see that people are still ignoring whatever they see or listen which makes it harder to governments everywhere .

The sad fact is , that these people who are spreading the disease and who supposed to be in prison are actually offering their dirty services with a smile.

He or she just smiles to you and before you even know it , you are infected .
I know that most of you would interrupt me here to say that those who go there putting in their mind getting a cheap pleasure deserve it even if they get infected with a smile , I mean , you can not resist an attractive woman would you ?

Okay for those of you who think this way then , I would like to clear things out here and tell you that I was not talking about such people ..
But I was talking about those who offer you a blood at emergency cases knowing that they are infected but still they act as if they are offering you a help or a service and sure enough , it is a dirty service with a smile ..

Finally , I really suggest that youths should be aware of such acts by informing them everywhere they can be ..
I would suggest displaying such facts and information at every stadium before the football match begins or during breaks because I am sure that youths are so fond of football everywhere .

And never feel embarrassed to discuss it too with your younger siblings or even your own kids , do it before it becomes so late .

على فكرة ، مادري ليش الفواصل و نقط النهاية ماهي راضية تضبط معي اذا حاولت أستعرض الرد ..
تجي بالمقلوب ؟؟؟ يالله أهم شي الزبدة ..
ابن جدة .. تكفى اذا قدرت تضبطها لي لا تقصر ..
صراحة انا تعبت معها و لا عندي ذاك الوقت اني أحاول أكثر ..
و شكراااااااااااااااااااا .

ديانة-ام لينا
26-01-2006, 05:47 PM
Victims of divorce are the innocent children.
The teacher was in doubt that the student cheated on the test.
He is worrying that his mom is sick.
The scholar explained the verse from the Quran to the audience.
The judge sentenced the criminal to 10 years in prison.
His smile captured my heart.
The father yelled at his son because he interrupted his conversation.
The view of the big Mosque in downtown looked so attractive to the tourist’s.
ملعب مباراة
There was a beautiful festival in stadium during the half-time break.
She was so embarrassed that her cheeks turned red.

~ رزان ~
26-01-2006, 05:58 PM
We always hear about chating victims

We are beginning to doubt whether repots are true

I feel worry about my teenager sister

I will explain my viewpoint to my friend

The prison is the suitable place for criminals

My baby brother smiles when he hears loud voices !!

Every Muslim has to interrupt all Danish goods

Everyone likes to be attractive

The playground is very big

She looked so embarrassed when she saw me


Thanks very much

Jazaka Allah kol khayr

26-01-2006, 08:40 PM
[Unfortunately ,there are many victims of crime

.There is absolutely no dout in his mind

.Don't worry about your math test

Describe and explain the benefits which people expected
.to gain from the end of the war

Thief wants to be released from jail

.Her smile is one of her beauties

.Don't cut in my speech

The goal is to make the land more attractive to retain existing residents and business

playground is full of spectators from different parts of the world

Tom's rash actions toward his teacher is shameful

ابن جده
26-01-2006, 10:53 PM
ماشاء الله تبارك الله

بصراحه تفاعل يثلج الصدر

و مازلت أطمع في ان ارى المزيد من الأعضاء

و لكن و بصراحه اذا في عضو انا فخور بمشاركته في هذه المسابقه

فهو الأخت صدى الذكريات

صدقيني يا أختي مارح تتعلمي الا بالمحاوله المره تلو الأخرى

شدي حيلك و ان شاء الله ابغى اشوفك في المراحل النهائيه لهذه المسابقه

صاحبة القلادة
27-01-2006, 12:17 AM
و لكن و بصراحه اذا في عضو انا فخور بمشاركته في هذه المسابقه

فهو الأخت صدى الذكريات

صدقيني يا أختي مارح تتعلمي الا بالمحاوله المره تلو الأخرى

شدي حيلك و ان شاء الله ابغى اشوفك في المراحل النهائيه لهذه المسابقه

السلام عليكم و رحمة لله و بركاته

I am so happy of what you said brother:D

it is an honor for me

Allah blesses you

سأحاول أن أكون عند حسن الظن و أن أستفيد من أخطائي و أيضا أراجع دروس اللغة

و لن أخجل من المحاولة حتى لو كان عندي أخطاء لغوية أو تعبيرية

ربحي في المسابقة ليس هو الوصول للنهاية و إنما هو التمرن على تركيب جمل صحيحة

شكرا لك أخي

جزاك الله خيرا

27-01-2006, 10:42 PM
There were many victims in the bank burglary last night.
I suspected that the manager was the first burglar, because he was worried more than others, he precisely explained the burglary details. The police man said that he would put the burglar in prison .I smiled and I interrupted the police man I told him "this attractive man is the burglar, he deceived us by watching the match " . Then the manager was embarrassed and he admitted his fault .

27-01-2006, 11:15 PM
. The victims were attacked in the middle of the night

. I doubt that it will snow today
. I doubt that she is telling the truth
The childs illness worried the parents .
I worry when my husband does not call .
The teacher explained the lesson to the student.
He went to jail for stealing a car.
Please smile for the camera.
It is rude to interrupt me when Iam talking.
Flowers are attractive to women .
ملعب مباراة
The football stadium was packed during the game .
The child was ambarrassed when the teacher yelled at him .

جزاكم الله خيرا و جعله في موازين حسناتكم و اتمنى للجميع الاستفادة و الفوز

الفواصل مش زابطه معي و الجمله الرابعه فيها س الملكيه و مش عارف كيف اكتبها جربت كل الاحرف و لا حرف ما اعطاني فاصلة الملكية

27-01-2006, 11:16 PM
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته :

فكرة المسابقة حلوة كتير ,, و ما بعرف إذا في أي شروط خاصة بالمشتركين و إلا عادي ما في مشكلة

المهم إني جيت و معي جملي :cool:

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم :


Muslims are the victims of religious prejudice .



I suspect his story .



You are my main worry Nowadays .



I will explain this particular subject in the next lesson .



A prisoner escapes from the jail .



What a gorgeous baby , she smiles at the camera .



Can you shut upq) , you always interrupt me .



This garden is attractive in the spring .


ملعب مباراة

He is running down the center of the pitch .


محرج ( بكسر الراء )

Your behaviour is really embarrassing

محرج ( بفتح الراء )

I was embarrassed by her generosity




Enas Hatem
28-01-2006, 03:08 AM
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله ....

There are thousands of victimes after any war

I doubt about this story

Don`t worry , i will handle this problem

My teacher is explaining this lesson now

The thief is going to the prison because
he was guilty

My father smiled to me while i was telling him the joke

You are interrupting me ,please i need to concentrate

The science fiction flims are so attractive to me

The viewers went to the stadium to see the football match

She was embarrassing to talk about this situation

28-01-2006, 09:09 AM
النقط والفواصل وغيرها محسوووووبة؟؟؟؟ :[MM

ابن جده
28-01-2006, 09:12 AM
النقط والفواصل وغيرها محسوووووبة؟؟؟؟ :[MM

لا ماعليك

اهم شيء عندي التركيب و تهجئة الكلمات

28-01-2006, 04:33 PM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم

Cobra presses out its preys before eating them

http://www.lakii.com/vb/smile/12_58.gif (http://www.lakii.com/vb/uploader/smilies.php)

You passing the exams, I doubt it

http://www.lakii.com/vb/smile/12_58.gif (http://www.lakii.com/vb/uploader/smilies.php)

Don't be worry!! I believe that all muslims will wake up

http://www.lakii.com/vb/smile/12_58.gif (http://www.lakii.com/vb/uploader/smilies.php)

I cann't explain why I am so lazy

http://www.lakii.com/vb/smile/12_58.gif (http://www.lakii.com/vb/uploader/smilies.php)

Such an aggressive behavour will ceretainly get you in jail

http://www.lakii.com/vb/smile/12_58.gif (http://www.lakii.com/vb/uploader/smilies.php)

I like this baby, he smiles and never cry

http://www.lakii.com/vb/smile/12_58.gif (http://www.lakii.com/vb/uploader/smilies.php)

It is not polit to interrupt others while they are talking

http://www.lakii.com/vb/smile/12_58.gif (http://www.lakii.com/vb/uploader/smilies.php)

Malaysia is an attractive destination

http://www.lakii.com/vb/smile/12_58.gif (http://www.lakii.com/vb/uploader/smilies.php)

the stadium was already full with fans 2 hours before the game

http://www.lakii.com/vb/smile/12_58.gif (http://www.lakii.com/vb/uploader/smilies.php)

It's too embarrassing to see a waman without Hijab saying that she is a muslim