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الموضوع: [ استفسار ] ادخلوا ضرورى جدا

  1. #1
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2010

    [ استفسار ] ادخلوا ضرورى جدا

    يا جماعة انا عايزة اجابة عن سؤال عندى فى مادة الادارة
    ما هى علاقة الادارة بالخدمة الاجتماعية
    يا جماعة لو سمحتوا ردوا عليا بسرعة لانى محتاجها ضرورى

  2. #2
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2008
    canada, palestine
    I found this for you
    العلاقة بين إدارة المؤسسات الاجتماعية والخدمة الاجتماعية بقلم : غادة عبد العال

    تاريخ النشر : 2009-06-09

    العلاقة بين إدارة المؤسسات الاجتماعية
    والخدمة الاجتماعية
    العلاقة التبادلية مع الأخرين هي أهم ما يميز حياة الإنسان، إذ يولد الإنسان في أول مؤسسة اجتماعية يلتقيها في حياته، ألا وهي الأسرة التي يحيا فيها، وتقوم الأسرة بعدة أدوار متكاملة ومتداخلة مع بعضها، وتمارس مسؤوليتها المباشرة في التنشئة الاجتماعية واشباع حاجات أفرادها، ومع زيادة احتياجات الإنسان وعجز الأسرة عن تلبية هذه الاحتياجات، أصبح لابد من وجود بديل لتلبية هذه الاحتياجات من خلال إيجاد مؤسسات تربوية واقتصادية. فالمؤسسة كيان ينشأ من أجل إشباع الاحتياجات وتقديم الخدمات لأفراد المجتمع، إذ تتنوع هذه المؤسسات من حيث الحجم والأهداف والتبعية. ومهما كان نوع المؤسسة فهي تتكون من بناء ووظيفة تسعى من أجل تحقيق أهداف مجتمعية.
    إن الحديث عن المؤسسة يقودنا إلى الحديث عن الإدارة إذ لا يمكن لمؤسسة أن تسيّر شؤونها دون وجود علم الإدارة وفنها. فالإنسان عرف الإدارة منذ بدء الخليقة، ويحتاجها لتسيير شؤون حياته الخاصة، فالإدارة نشاط يرافق الإنسان وحده دون سائر المخلوقات. فمن منا لا يعمل على إدارة شؤون حياته اليومية، ويخطط لها ويتخذ القرارات بكافة مستوياتها. فالإدارة: هي تلك العملية التي تقوم على أساس العمل مع الأفراد والجماعات والموارد الأخرى من أجل إنجاز الأهداف، جوهرها اتخاذ القرارات التي تحكم سلوك الأفراد ولها مراحل عديدة. وتمتاز الإدارة بارتباطها بالمنظمات حيث تعمل على تحقيق أهداف محددة، ولا تقتصر على مجال واحد فحسب، بل تمارس في كافة مجالات الحياة الإنسانية الاقتصادية، والاجتماعية، والتعليمية، وتعمل على استخدام الموارد أفضل استخدام. وتقوم عملية الإدارة بعدة وظائف جمعها جوليك بكلمة (POSDCORB) وتتضمن: التخطيط، التنظيم، التوظيف، التوجيه، التنسيق، التوثيق، وضع الميزانية.
    وتنبع أهمية الإدارة من كونها علم قائم على أسس ومفاهيم منظمة، فالإدارة هي الأساس في نجاح المشروعات ونموها وتحقيق الأهداف، فهي محور النشاطات والأوامر لاستقبال القرارات وتنفيذها، وتعمل على جمع المعلومات والبيانات وتحليلها. وهي مهنة يمارسها خبراء بارعون تعمل على إيجاد قيادات واعية وملتزمة، فممارسة الإدارة بطريقتها العلمية مؤشر على رقي الأمم وتقدمها.
    هناك ارتباط وثيق بين الخدمة الاجتماعية والإدارة، فلا يمكن للأخصائي الاجتماعي أن يمارس مهنته إلا من خلال وجوده ضمن مؤسسة اجتماعية تهدف إلى تقديم خدمات للأفراد، وتعمل على تلبية احتياجاتهم. ومن هنا تأتي أهمية معرفة الدارسين في برنامج التنمية الاجتماعية والأسرية كأخصائيين اجتماعيين في المستقبل للإدارة، فبما أن الأخصائي يمارس مهنته من خلال وجوده في مؤسسة اجتماعية فلا بد له من معرفة طبيعة هذه المؤسسة وسبل إدارتها، ومعرفة وظائف الإدارة وعملياتها، فالأخصائي بحاجة لأن يكون قادرا على تحديد الاحتياجات وكيفية التخطيط العلمي، والإشراف، والتوجيه، والتنسيق، والتقييم. غير أن التأهيل الذي يتلقاه الأخصائي الاجتماعي العلمي والعملي يجعله مؤهلا للقيام بأدوار إشرافية في المؤسسة التي يعمل بها. فالإدارة تعطي للخدمة الاجتماعية مكانة أكبر في المجتمع فمثلا: في المجال الطبي للخدمة الاجتماعية لا يتم التركيز على العميل أو المنتفع فقط، بل في اقتراح برامج جديدة لتقديم الخدمات في هذا المجال، والتدريب على كيفية الإشراف والتوجيه في العمل. كما وتعطي الإدارة للأخصائي الاجتماعي ولدراسي الخدمة الاجتماعية رؤية واضحة حول متطلبات العمل الإداري، والمطلوب منهم القيام به لتحقيق النجاح، إذ يتمكن الأخصائيين الاجتماعيين من توضيح صورة المؤسسة وطبيعة عملها.
    إن عمل الإدارة الحديث لا يتطلب سلطة شديدة ولكنه يحتاج إلى قيادة قادرة على تفهم العاملين وكيفية التعامل معهم دون عنف، ومن هنا قد يكون الإخصائي الاجتماعي بما لديه من قدرات وإمكانيات أقل عنفا عند تطبيق قواعد الضبط داخل المؤسسة، فنجاحهم في العمل الإداري قائم على أساس إدراكهم لأهمية العمل الجماعي. والمشكلات التي تعترض المؤسسة والتي يكون حلها من خلال فريق يضم أخصائيين اجتماعيين وغيرهم، ولكن الأخصائي الاجتماعي لديه القدرة المناسبة على ممارسة العمل الإداري، حيث أنه مدرب على الملاحظة وتوجيه الأسئلة وإجراء المقابلات وتنظيم الحوار، وهذا يجعله أكثر قدرة في التعامل مع الأخرين ومساعدة العاملين في المؤسسة وخدمتهم.
    إذاً ومن هنا ندرك أهمية دراسة كيفية إدارة المؤسسات الاجتماعية لدراسي الخدمة الاجتماعية وللأخصائيين الاجتماعيين التي تمنحهم سعة المعرفة بكل ما يتعلق بالإدارة ووظائفها وعملياتها، وبالتالي يصبح لديهم تصور كاف لعمل المؤسسات وكيفية إدارتها وأهمية الدور الذي قد يلعبه كأخصائي اجتماعي داخل هذه المؤسسة وكيفية استثمار مهاراته وقدراته في القيام بالمهام المطلوبة منه وأداء عمله بالشكل الأفضل.

  3. #3
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2008
    canada, palestine
    ang i found this in english, i hope you will understand it:
    Summary] e-commerce and Information network has thoroughly changed the traditional business foundation for survival, forming the traditional concept of Marketing Strategy and market impact and challenges. However, the eventual realization of the transaction also depends on the background of the logistics management industry, the traditional Transportation and warehousing methods in the new Economic model, is undergoing a qualitative change. In this paper, E-commerce and logistics management Industry around the relationship between the card on to explore Electronic Commerce on logistics management Industry (both macro-and micro-)-induced shock to find our e-commerce Development strategies.
    [Abstract Title] E-commerce
    [Key words] E-commerce / Logistics Management / Relations and Strategy
    [Text] With the advent of the new Economic era, as a new business transactions, so that Trade negotiations could be staying at home and on-line solution to the traditional economy earthshaking changes in follow-up days. However, the transaction ultimately have to rely on in the background of the logistics industry, the traditional mode of transport storage mode in the new economy, is undergoing a qualitative change. Found that modern logistics industry to promote the Development of Electronic Commerce is a general trend. The traditional means of transportation, storage and re-integration of modern Information technology, the general trend has arrived. However, China's development of the logistics management industry the situation is not cause for optimism. Building a modern logistics industry and promote the development of electronic commerce is an important condition for promoting the market economy.
    First, the relationship between logistics management and e-commerce
    In the E-commerce and logistics management, relationship, e-commerce to change the logistics or the logistics impact of e-commerce development? This author believes that: Logistics will affect the development of electronic commerce, but ultimately will be a change in e-commerce, logistics, and logistics management system will further promote the sound development of electronic commerce.
    (A) logistics management in e-commerce to occupy the entire process of an increasingly important position
    E-commerce is the 20th century, information technology, network product, because of its own characteristics has been widely attracted attention, but the people are covered by the scope of e-commerce but there is no uniform, standardized knowledge. And traditional business processes, like e-commerce in any transaction, it would cover the four basic 'flow': namely, information flow, business flow, capital flow and logistics. In e-commerce under the conditions of the previous three kinds of 'flow' of the management process are available through Computer and network communications devices. Logistics as the four 'stream' in the most special one, refers to the physical entity (product or service) process flow, including transportation, storage, distribution, handling, storage, logistics information management, and other activities, while the physical flow of the process of necessarily involves the channel logistics management.
    In the past, people's awareness of e-business processes is often limited to information flow, business flow and cash flow of electronic, network, and the neglect of the electronic logistics process, logistics can still be completed by the traditional distribution channels. However, with further promotion and application of e-commerce, logistics and the importance of the impact of e-commerce activities become increasingly apparent. Imagine, consumers shopping online, but the delay in purchase of goods delivered, with predictable results, consumers will inevitably give up e-commerce, choose a more secure way to shop the traditional.
    As e-commerce clients are not subject to geographical restrictions, then the enterprise, how to use the fastest speed, lowest Cost of goods delivered into the hands of customers is the ability to attract customers to a very important condition. So e-commerce era, the building of an efficient, cost-effective logistics management system, the network economy is an urgent need for development of electronic commerce, but also the practical problems faced by all enterprises. With the logistics management in e-commerce activities, becoming more and more important, logistics management, e-commerce activities, an indispensable part.
    (B) of modern logistics is the fundamental guarantee for the implementation of e-commerce
    For a long time, China's biggest obstacle to e-commerce, fundamentally speaking, is a logistics and information flow, business flow, capital flow seriously out of line problems. The current e-commerce can only be ordered by the network, relying on logistics delivery systems. Distribution of merchandise in a timely manner to the user's hands to complete the space for the transfer of goods (logistics), it marked the end of e-business process. Therefore, the least efficient logistics system is the key to the success of e-commerce. In China, the logistics facilities are backward, distribution system is not perfect, the development of e-business transformation of logistics facilities should first establish convergence of the distribution system and e-commerce. Otherwise, the logistics of e-commerce will become the biggest bottleneck. Therefore, the establishment of a modern logistics is the fundamental guarantee for the implementation of e-commerce.
    First of all, logistics security manufacturing. Whether in traditional Trade mode, or in e-commerce, the production is of the circulation of commodities, while the smooth production of various types of logistics activities in support of the need. The entire production process from raw material procurement, it will require a corresponding supply of logistics activities, procurement of materials should be in place in time, otherwise the production would be difficult to carry out; in production between the various process also requires raw materials, semi-finished products of the logistics process the so-called production logistics in order to achieve the production of mobility; part I expected, reusable materials recovery, we need the so-called recycling logistics; waste disposal need to waste logistics. Can be seen that the entire production process is actually a series of logistics activities. Rationalization, modern logistics, to reduce costs by reducing costs, optimizing inventory structure, and reduce the amount of funds used to shorten the production cycle to ensure a modern efficient production. In contrast, lags behind the development of modern logistics, modern production of the entire process would be difficult to proceed smoothly, and convenient form of e-commerce trade will also be without rice.
    Second, the logistics is to achieve 'customer-centric' concept of the fundamental guarantee. The emergence of e-commerce, the greatest degree of convenience to the final consumer, in e-commerce environment, customers need only sit at home, they can search on the Internet, view, selection, complete the shopping process. Logistics is the realization of e-commerce 'customer-centric' concept of the ultimate guarantee, the lack of a modern logistics technologies, consumers can not be sent to the delay in purchase of goods or the delivery of the purchased goods are not their own, the Consumer must will then revert to the traditional shopping methods, it is difficult to the development of online shopping.
    Third, the logistics service providers stream. In the business stream activities, ownership of the goods purchase and sale contract was signed in the moment, they will be transferred to the demand-side supply-side, while the product entity and has not been moved. In a traditional transaction process, in addition to the non-physical delivery futures exchange, the general flow of commerce must be accompanied by a corresponding logistics activities, namely, in accordance with demand-side (buy side) of the demand for physical goods from the supply side (the seller) in an appropriate manner , approach to the demand side (buy side) Transfer. In the e-commerce, consumers shopping through the posts to complete the delivery process of commodity ownership, namely, business workflow process. But the e-commerce activities have not ended, only a real transfer of goods and Services to consumers and business activities until the end. Throughout the e-commerce transaction process, the logistics of follow-up is actually the flow of commerce and the service appears. There is no modern logistics, business flow of activities will continue to be the traditional trading methods.
    To sum up, logistics is an important component of e-commerce and a fundamental guarantee. We must vigorously develop modern logistics, in order to further promote e-commerce.
    (3) e-commerce to promote the great development of logistics Technology
    The so-called logistics Technology refers to the completion of the logistics task must be the most effective ways and means. The concept of the traditional Transportation of materials mainly refers to the flow of technology or materials technology, which means all kinds of logistics technology transfer to the flow of goods from producers to consumers, the realization of a variety of flow patterns and flow of the pause function of the required material, machinery, facilities, hardware environment and planning, utilization, evaluation of software technology.
    With a huge backlog of inventory of goods of commercial risk, zero inventory logistics technology also came into being. The implementation of zero inventory business systems must rely on the following three conditions, first of all there must be a be able to accurately and quickly reflect market demand for Information Systems and secondly, there must be a be able to obtain market information according to regulate production or procurement of rapid flexible manufacturing system . In addition, the goods must have a quick distribution system. Propose the concept of zero inventory, logistics and technological development seems to have encountered a difficult to resolve conflicts. However, the emergence of electronic commerce, it has been resolved, so that logistics technology into a new era.
    E-commerce is a new Internet-based technologies in the form of commercial activity. E-commerce achieved worldwide using Internet technology to conduct electronic exchange of goods and services. Completion of e-commerce ordering and payment functions not only, in fact, e-commerce extended from production to consumption, the entire business process. E-commerce including corporate intranets, the intranet with the Internet connectivity applications. E-commerce system is a client access portal, the user via the Internet, you can view the product catalog on this system, read product information, you can also order the system through electronic orders and the adoption of electronic payment system settlement.
    With the development of electronic commerce, businesses do not have to spend huge sums of product information collection, and corporate decision-making information timely adjustments based on these production plans, timely production of marketable products, customers can order through the e-commerce systems, real-time feedback to the , enterprise immediately organized and produced through the distribution system immediately sent to the users. In this way, enterprises with less input to achieve the product's zero inventory production process. Reposted elsewhere in the Free Papers Download Center http://eng.hi138.com
    With the growing popularity of Computer technology, network technology, continuous improvement, e-commerce is bound to come a long way in the development and application of logistics management will also be a real sense of the word 'smooth flow of goods'.
    (D) e-commerce to promote understanding of the logistics business process re-clear logistics management objectives, and further the formation of supply chain management
    With improved network technology and rapid development of e-commerce prerequisite for enterprises to establish a competitive advantage has been the key to saving raw materials from the 'first source of profits', and raising labor productivity, the 'second source of profits', turned to the establishment of efficient logistics integration The 'third profit source'. At this time logistics management should be based on manufacturing enterprises as a starting point, through the logistics enterprises, selling businesses, until the consumer's entire supply chain process of systematic integration of the logistics, the management goal is the close cooperation of the various links on the products timely suitability for the delivery, to achieve the best customer service and a combination of the lowest distribution costs. Therefore, the meaning of logistics management has been extended.
    A complete e-commerce process includes manufacturers of products produced by transportation, storage, processing, distribution to the user (consumer) the entire process of logistics. The management of this process is called supply chain logistics management. Supply chain logistics system to connect multiple manufacturers, transport and distribution industry and users, with the demand, supply and change. Therefore requested the system management must have sufficient flexibility and variability. Supply chain logistics systems from the production, distribution, Marketing to the user is not an isolated act and is inter-related, and mutual restraint, mutually reinforcing and, therefore, must be coordinated in order to maximize the potential economic and Social benefits. In the age of electronic commerce, logistics and information flow of the interaction reflects the increasingly important in supply chain management must use a growing number of modern logistics technology.
    Second, modern logistics development environment and strategy
    (A) At present, China's logistics management industry problems
    In recent years, China's logistics industry already has a considerable scale, but from the age of electronic commerce in general still can not meet the needs of economic development, logistics and efficiency is not high, and there are still a big gap between the international advanced level. The logistics industry in relation to the tertiary industry in other industries and other industries, especially the relationship between the development of secondary industry is still not coordinated, large-scale production in accordance with the Social division of labor laws of the logistics requirements of the social service system should be strengthened. Sector reform and management of the tertiary industry is lagging behind the market competition mechanism and the market regulations are inadequate, most of the commodity circulation order after the opening of the market was chaotic, poor logistics enterprises in their own economic benefit. From the operating mechanism of state-owned logistics enterprises, the degree of organization, management methods, etc. do not meet the required age of electronic commerce, market share decline in the status of the main channel of shaken.
    1. Infrastructure, lack of capacity. Transportation capacity still can not meet the transport needs, the main transport corridors shortage still outstanding. Storage facilities behind a large number of warehouse is the fifties and sixties of the old building.
    2. Technology and equipment behind. Modern containers, bulk transport development unpleasant; less efficient private transport vehicles, loading and unloading handling the low level of mechanization.
    3. The management is decentralized low level of social services. Due to fragmentation, the separation of departments, lack of unified planning, redundant construction intensified. National Logistics Company in the small, many scattered, weak condition, it is difficult to form an effective social service network.
    4. Logistics industry personnel training and logistics information work should be strengthened. The logistics personnel and information technology is the fundamental condition for the modernization of logistics. The current work in this area do not have a department responsible for. This is the training of logistics and information technology to promote the logistics industry is still the problem.
    5. Logistics Management System there is no unified planning, management system still further deepened. Long-planned economic system to enable the development of China's logistics industry lags behind. From a planned economy to a market economy, the process of transition, due to the impact of traditional management system reform lags behind economic system reform. To date, China's logistics industry is still fragmented, or that multi-approach to management. As the system was not straightened out, there are cross-division among the various departments, resulting in the logistics industry in the Management of fragmentation, the separation of departments, repeated construction problems. In addition, the logistics system has become a social and business logistics systems due to management purposes, the means are different between the two can not be effectively integrated and coordinated development, but also a negative impact on the rationalization of logistics. The logistics industry since it is society as a whole service industry, covering all industries of the national economy, the more should pay attention to its overall development plan. Logistics Management as the national economy should be in large-scale systems is an important sub-task to formulate specific development goals, sub-sector organizations to implement, so that the coordinated development of all sectors of the logistics industry.
    6. For doing a good job fully understand the importance of logistics. For a long time, 'emphasis on production, light logistics' ideas and concepts that are still not out of the shackles of the old system. With the highly developed market economy, distribution is no longer just a counterproductive effect on production. In a sense, the circulation to play a decisive role in the production. We must establish a socialist market economy, improving the strategic point of view to understand the flow and building logistics management systems.
    (B) e-commerce trends in the era of Logistics Management
    1. Shift from the customer service relationship management. Over the past logistics management focus on internal operations and organization integration, corresponding to the downstream customer service quality is still the main focus for management. Therefore, the evaluation of management performance, most of the speed of order cycle time, delivery rate. However, in the development of e-business supply chain management model, companies increasingly turn to emphasize integration across enterprise boundaries, making the maintenance and management of customer relationships has become increasingly important. As e-commerce era concept of the emergence of customer relationship management, logistics management, material handling from the elevated to objects of value-added program management.
    2. From confrontation to co. Traditional commercial channels, the enterprises more self-centered, the pursuit of self-interest, it often resulted in confrontation between enterprises. However, driven by the pursuit of greater competitiveness, many companies began to circulation of skills in various business integration, through joint planning and operations, to form a highly integrated system of e-business supply chain channel, so that access overall performance increased dramatically.
    3. Shift from the predicted end of measurement. The traditional distribution model by predicting the downstream channel resources to carry out the activities of the logistics operation, but the accuracy of the forecasts is not high, and therefore a waste of business resources. Emerging trends in logistics management is to emphasize channel members of the joint mechanism among the members are willing to exchange operational and strategic information, in particular, domestic demand and production data, making the upstream companies will not need to predict, circulation pattern is the basis of a gradual shift from the predicted end of test infraStructure development.
    4. Shift from the functional integration process integration. In the channels, an increasingly competitive environment, companies must quickly respond to the upstream and downstream customer needs, and must be effective integration of various departments of the operation to the operating system programmed to operate. Logistics operations and activities of a cross-functional, cross-enterprise features, it is programmed integration is a necessary condition for the success of logistics management.
    5. Shift from vertical integration to virtual integration. In the traditional channels, some large enterprises will carry out channel vertical integration in order to have a greater grasp of the channel power. It turned out that was not successful, but dispersed resources of the enterprise, and main business weakened. Future, companies must be non-core business entrusted to a professional management company to form a virtual enterprise integration system for the main enterprises to provide better products and services. In a virtual consolidation trend, the success of supply chain development, logistics industry, has also received strong support, to meet the need of the main stream corporate business, and constantly develop new value-added services, become a more professional third party logistics, for the market to provide more Well, more and more valuable services.
    6. Shift from the information confidential sharing of information. In supply chain management structure, supply chain related businesses must supply chain integration required to share information with other companies, otherwise it is impossible to form an effective supply chain system. Reposted elsewhere in the Free Papers Download Center http://eng.hi138.com
    7. Improve the logistics of scientific research. Logistics is the fusion of science and technical, scientific and economic sciences Integrated Science, which are wide-ranging, including system science, management science, Environmental science, circulation, science, transportation science, warehousing, science, marketing, science, renewable science and machinery, electronics, etc. expertise. Logistics Science is a modern large-scale production, the inevitable outcome of large circulation. With the age of electronic commerce needs of economic development on China's logistics industry will make greater demands, logistics, science and theory, a more active role in the study.
    (C) the modernization of China's Logistics Development Strategy
    E-commerce era, should be based on China's logistics market supply and demand analysis of the situation and accelerate the development of modern logistics industry.
    1. Explicitly manage the logistics industry, government departments. The experiences from developed countries, the management of the logistics industry should also be uniform. China's logistics industry, after years of construction, the logistics industry in the development of the material foundation on which already has a considerable scale. However, due to management system lagged behind, making the logistics industry in the development of displeasure at the 'small and more scattered, weak' status, socialization, and a low degree of specialization, social and logistics as a whole and poor efficiency. In the past, China's logistics industry, management, policy and the lack of a uniform interface. Should now have a unified and coordinated the establishment of specialized work functions of agencies, organizations of various departments together for the centralized management and create the conditions for the logistics industry. The Government should strengthen leadership over the work on the logistics to establish the authority of the organization and coordination body and a unified national logistics development, so that China's logistics industry can be a faster pace.
    2. To strengthen the policy research. In the process of transition to a market economy, in the coexistence of old and new institutional environment, to develop the right policy to promote the logistics industry has become a vital component. Study and formulate consistent promote the realization of the modernization of logistics management, operational policy, to mobilize all sectors of society will be further development of the logistics industry's enthusiasm to expand the sources of finance to accelerate the development of the logistics industry.
    3. Formulation of national laws and regulations of the warehousing and transportation laws and regulations. Many of the world in developed countries have a special warehouse law. In the past, Chinese authorities have also developed various flow-off storage area management regulations, but only applies to this system, rather than the circulation department of the storage and transportation enterprises and non-state storage and transport enterprises do not methodicalness to follow, is not conducive to the development of modern logistics and distribution, a direct impact on the nation-wide transport network development.
    4. Logistics industry development should accelerate the pace of reform, and adhere to professional, community-oriented way. Logistics Modernization on the premise that specialization, socialization, and national authorities should support all aspects of professional logistics enterprises. First, financial support for technological transformation of existing logistics facilities; Second, tax policy to support the professional development of logistics enterprises in the nationwide distribution network, a unified management, unified accounting, unified tax; three in urban traffic management to support professional logistics companies and retail enterprises for the production of a common society of distribution, resulting in a large serving the community-oriented, business specialization, internal and external trade, with the new flow of industries.
    5. All regions should seize the opportunity to establish and develop a timely manner suited to the local characteristics of the distribution center, in order to grab opportunities.
    6. Will be the wholesale restructuring of old enterprises and the combination of traditional storage and shipping companies, focusing on building a modern distribution network, improve the function of commodity distribution centers will be set of goods, sub-cargo, warehousing, transportation, packaging, consulting and other service functions together.
    7. To improve the logistics distribution center of the network layout. The Government in the municipal planning the logistics to the overall planning, as an integral part of central planning. According to China's national conditions, to develop a modern distribution centers should be based on the existing logistics enterprises, based on the progressive development of large-scale logistics center and regional distribution centers combined for multi-functional, information, quality Services to distribution centers.
    8. The introduction of foreign Investment and advanced technology. China's logistics industry should actively attract foreign Investment and technology and multi-channel and speed up the development process of China's logistics management, in particular, should note that the introduction of clean technologies and facilities.
    9. Attention to logistics management talents. As our country in logistics management, distribution center operations in practice and lack of experience, training of personnel is even more important. Only improving the quality of logistics practitioners in order to continually enhance our competitiveness, in addition to schools, personnel training, the logistics manager must intensify its efforts to individual skills training for the original way of transforming into a knowledge-based systems, training and the establishment of 'Registration Logistics Management Teachers' system.
    10. Emphasis on the logistics of science and technology research. Currently quite a number of departments and colleges to establish a dedicated logistics Research institutions or Research projects, but these efforts are largely decentralized, and independent. The logistics industry is a systematic project, only a coordinated, scientific planning and the relevant departments. Carried out according to the requirements of the development of specialized research, so that the Health of China's logistics industry.
    Third, to adapt to modern logistics management mode, and vigorously promote the development of China's E-Commerce
    Being a developing country, logistics, research and application are relatively late start, low levels in developing e-commerce, in addition to the comprehensive consideration of the characteristics of e-commerce, but also must pay attention to the modernization of the logistics model, in order to successfully complete the electronic business as a whole.
    E-commerce includes business activity should be the whole process, from the enterprise business process management, enterprise and between enterprises, enterprises and consumers, the establishment of commercial relations, the contract reached with the performance, customer relationship maintenance and so on. Therefore, e-commerce, it should be understood in a broad sense, namely, e-commerce is through the telecommunications network for production, marketing, sales and distribution activities, which refers not only on the Internet-based transactions, but also to all the use of electronic information technology (it ) to solve problems, reduce costs, add value and create business opportunities for business activities, inquiries from a raw material, purchasing, product display, ordering to production, distribution, storage, transport and electronic payment and a series of trade activities.
    So, how convenient and efficient use of modern logistics system has become the fundamental guarantee for the success of e-commerce. At present China's social utility distribution systems (such as Postal Express 185 and many other courier companies) to meet certain delivery of goods (mainly shopping b2c form) needs, but in their own ways, business separatism, the business is relatively small, logistics system The operation Cost is too high, so that e-commerce logistics cost is quite high, hindering the further development of electric service business. At present, China's distribution system and logistics infraStructure is still relatively backward, are basically still the traditional warehousing and transport modes, namely, artificial books inventory management, direct stacking of goods or general store rack, manual or mechanical removal, or for material handling. Such logistics management and mode of operation can not meet the market economy is far more varieties of user demand for small quantities, but can not meet the requirements of electronic commerce on logistics system, this backward restricting China's logistics system has become the biggest obstacle to development of electronic commerce. Therefore, China must quickly develop e-business, we must first develop an efficient logistics and distribution systems, on the one hand, large and medium enterprises can make full use of idle society to transform and integrate existing resources to establish their own logistics and distribution system; the other hand, We should vigorously support and support for third-party integrated logistics enterprise, promote the establishment of a nationwide, inter-regional, cross-industry logistics and distribution system for e-commerce to provide timely and accurate logistics services.
    E-commerce, including all upstream and downstream supply chain business processes. Logistics will affect the development of electronic commerce, and e-commerce will eventually impact on the formation of traditional logistics, logistics management system will further promote the sound development of electronic commerce. Enterprise development, attention should be paid not only to the front of e-commerce network platform, but also should pay attention to the back-end logistics and distribution management systems, and must be staffed with logistics and distribution professionals. Reposted elsewhere in the Free Papers Download Center http://eng.hi138.com

  4. #4
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2010

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