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الموضوع: لكاليك وجوانتيات

  1. #1
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2009
    سكندرية بالسعودية

    flower1 لكاليك وجوانتيات

    [/IMG]تحميل الملف من هناارجوا ان تقبلوني بينكم اخت لكم
    ودي بقي هدية مني بمناسبة الشتاء اتمني ان الصور تظهر لاني اول مرة انزل صور وماعرفتش انزلهامن موقع لكي لان بتظهر لي رسالة تعديت عدد الالبومات المسموح ياريت تفيدوني[[/IMG]www.tobikat.com][www.tobikat.com] [/IMG]thcm6y53q1w0kvpz47xgs82rf/2009/11/11/01/du72qc7c9.jpg[/IMG] [/IMG]m/9bjndthcm6y53q1w0kvpz47xgs82rf/2009/11/11/01/fp6hzociz.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [/URL][/IMG]/URL] up4.m5zn.com/download-2009-11-11-01-twm6zyd24.rtf]تحميل الملف من هنا[/URL]www.tobikat.com][/URL] [/URL][/IMG]up4.m5zn.com/download-2009-11-11-01-9h170z2e5.rtf]تحميل الملف من هنا[/URL]up4.m5zn.com/download-2009-11-11-01-jihsznu28.rtf]تحميل الملف من هنا[/URL] www.tobikat.com][/URL] [/URL][/IMG] [/IMG] [/IMG] [/IMG] [/IMG]

  2. #2
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2007
    الف شكر وهدية مقبولة وكمان الصور واضحة وبالباترون . تسلميييييييييييييييييييي

  3. #3
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2009
    سكندرية بالسعودية
    www.tobikat.com][/URL] [/URL][/IMG]www.tobikat.com][/URL] [/URL][/IMG]www.tobikat.com][/URL] [/URL][/IMG]www.tobikat.com][/URL] [/URL][/IMG]www.tobikat.com][/URL] [/URL][/IMG]www.tobikat.com][/URL] [/URL][/IMG]www.tobikat.com][/URL] [/URL][/IMG]www.tobikat.com][/URL] [/URL][/IMG]www.tobikat.com][/URL] [/URL][/IMG]www.tobikat.com][/URL] [/URL][/IMG]www.tobikat.com][/URL] [/URL][/IMG]www.tobikat.com][IMG]http://up4.m5zn.com/9bjndthcm6y53q1w0kvpz47xgs82rf/2009/11/11/02/uax222d0o.jpg
    [/IMG][/URL] [/URL][/IMG]www.tobikat.com][/URL] [/URL][/IMG]
    RIGHT HAND . . . Starting at wrist, ch 106 (18 ch sts to 1 inch). Join with sl st.
    1st round: Ch 5, d c in same place as sl st; (skip 2 ch, in next ch make d c, ch 2 and d c) 13 times; skip 2 ch, d c in next ch, ch 5, skip 5 ch, d c in next ch, skip 2 ch; in next ch make d c, ch 2 and d c (a 2-d c group made). Skip 2 ch, d c in next ch, ch 5, skip 5 ch, d c in next ch; (skip 2 ch, in next ch make d c, ch 2 and d c) 15 times; skip 2 ch, sl st into ch-5 loop first made.
    2nd md: Ch 5, d c in same place as sl st; (in next ch-2 sp make d c, ch 2 and d c) 13 times; ch 5, skip 2 ch of next ch-5, s c in next ch, ch 5, in next ch-2 sp make d c, ch 2 and d c; ch 5, skip 2 ch of next ch-5, s c in next ch. Ch 5, (in next ch-2 sp make d c, ch 2 and d c) 15 times; join.
    3rd md: Ch 5, d c in same place as sl st; (in next ch-2 sp make d c, ch 2 and d c) 13 times; d c in next ch-5 loop, ch 5, d c in next loop; 2-d c group over next 2-d c group, d c in next loop, ch 5, d c in next loop; make a 2-d c group over each of the next five 2-d c groups; over next d c-group make d c, ch 2, d c, ch 2 and d c (an increase); make d c group over next d c-group; over next d c-group make d c, ch 2, d c, ch and d c--thus the increases for thumb are started. Now make d c-groups over d c-groups to end of md; join.
    4th round: Dc group over each d c-group across to within ch-5 loop; ch 5, skip 2 ch of next loop, s c in next ch, ch 5, d c-group over ch-2 of next d c-group; ch 5, skip 2 ch of next ch-5 loop, s c in next ch, ch 5 and make d c-group in each group to end of round; join.
    5th round: Work in pattern until 5 d c groups are made after the open-work pattern on back of hand, over next d c-group make an increase as before (3 d c with ch-2 between); make a d c-group over each of the next 3 d c groups, inc. over the next group and continue working in pattern to end of rnd..
    6th to l0th rnds inch Work as for last 2 rnds, making an increase over each increase as before on every other round (having 2 more d c-groups between increases) for thumb. Work without increasing until glove, when tried on, reaches to base of thumb (about 2 ¾ inches in all).
    Next round: To start thumb, work in pattern around until 8 d c-groups are made after the open-work pattern. Mark the 8th d c-group with a colored thread, and work over the next ll groups; then ch 5, skip the group with the colored thread and continue to work in spiral fashion around the last 11 d c groups, making another d c-group at center of ch-5 and working until thumb, when tried on, is 2 rnds less than desired length.
    Next round: Make d c in each ch-2 sp around.
    Following round: S c in every other d c around.
    Fasten off, leaving a 6-inch length of thread. Thread a needle with this thread and fasten end securely on wrong side. Attach thread to last d c of d c-group marked with colored thread and complete round, making an increase over the d c-group at base of thumb. Now work in pattern until glove, when tried on, reaches to base of your fingers. Put glove on and mark with a safety pin between palm and back of hand for fingers.
    Forefinger . · · Work in pattern around to pin-mark on palm side for forefinger, ch 5 and work over d c groups of forefinger on back of hand; continue around in pattern, making a d c-group in center of ch-5, until glove, when tried on, is 2 rnds less than desired length. Finish as for Thumb.
    Middle Finger . . · Attach thread to d c-group at base of forefinger (between fingers). Work in pattern across d c-groups of palm, ch 5 and work across back of hand for middle finger, making 2 d c-groups over ch-5 (open pattern), and making a d c-group in each d c-group at base of forefinger. Finish as for forefinger.
    Ring Finger . . · Work as for middle finger.
    Little Finger . · · Attach thread at base of ring finger and work around remaining d c-groups as for other fingers.
    Cuff . . .
    1st round: Attach thread to base of d c-group on foundation chain, preceding ch-5 of open-work pattern, ch 5, d c in same place, ch 5, skip 2 ch of ch-5, s c in next ch, ch 5, d c group at base of next d c-group, ch 5, skip 2 ch of next ch-5, s c in next ch, ch 5, d c-group at base of each d c group around. Join.
    2nd and 3rd rnds: Work in pattern as for top part of glove. Join.
    4th round: Ch 5, d c in same place as sl st, d c in next ch-5 loop, ch 5, d c in next loop, d c-group over next d c-group, d c in next loop, ch 5, d c in next loop, d c-group over next d c-group, d c under ch-2 of next d c-group, * ch 5, d c under ch-2 of next d c-group,' d c-group over next d c-group, d c under ch-2 of next dc group. Repeat from * around, ending with ch 5, d c in last d c-group. Join.
    5th md: Ch 5, d c in same place as sl st, * ch 5, skip 2 ch of next ch-5, s c in next ch, ch 5, d c-group over next d c-group. Repeat from * around. Join with sl st in 3rd st of ch-5.
    6th round: Ch 5, d c in same place as sl st, in next d c make d c, ch 2 and d c, * ch 5; (in next d c make d c, ch 2 and d c) twice. Repeat from * around. Join last ch-5 with sl st in ch-5 loop first made.
    7th round: Ch 5, d c in same place as sl st, d c-group over next d c-group, * ch 5, skip 2 ch of next ch-5, s c in next ch, ch 5, d c-group over next 2 d c-groups. Repeat from * around, join.
    8th round: Ch 5, d c in same place as sl st, * d c group between next 2 d c, d c-group over next d c-group, ch 5, d c group over next d c-group. Repeat from * around, join.
    9th round: * Dc group over next 3 d c-groups, ch 5, skip 2 ch, s c in next ch, ch 5. Repeat from * around. Join.
    l0th round: * D c - group over next 3 d c-groups, ch 5. Repeat from * around, join.
    llth to 15th rounds: Repeat 9th and 10th rnds alternately.
    16th round: * Ch 2, in center d c-group make 4 d c with ch 2 between, ch 2, skip 1 d c of next d c group, d c in next d c of same group, ch 5, s c in next s c, ch 5, d c in first d c of next d c-group. Repeat from * around, join. Fasten off.
    LEFT HAND . . . Make another glove like this, reversing the position of the open-work stripe so that it lies across center back of left hand.

  4. #4
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2009
    سكندرية بالسعودية
    www.tobikat.com][/URL] [/URL][/IMG]

    SQUARE (make 2): Ch 4 and close into a ring with 1 sl st in first ch.
    Rnd 1: Ch 1, 11 sc in ring, join with sl st to first ch.
    Rnd 2: Ch 1, sc in first sc, *3 sc in next sc, sc in each of next 2 sc; rep from * to last sc, 3 sc in last sc, join with a sl st to first ch.
    Rnd 3: Ch 1, sc in each of first 2 sc, *3 sc in next sc, sc in each of next 4 sc; rep from * twice more, 3 sc in next sc, sc in last sc, join with sl st to first ch.
    Rnd 4: Ch 1, sc in each of first 3 sc, *3 sc in next sc, sc in each of next 6 sc; rep from * twice more, 3 sc in next sc, sc in each of last 2 sc, join with a sl st to first ch.
    Rnd 5: Ch 1, sc in each of first 4 sc, *3 sc in next sc, sc in each of next 8 sc; rep from * twice more, 3 sc in next sc, sc in each of last 3 sc, join with a sl st to first ch.
    Rnd 6: Ch 1, sc in each of first 5 sc, *3 sc in next sc, sc in each of next 10 sc; rep from * twice more, 3 sc in next sc, sc in each of last 4 sc, join with a sl st to first ch.
    Rnd 7: Ch 1, sc in each of first 6 sc, *3 sc in next sc, sc in each of next 12 sc; rep from * twice more, 3 sc in next sc, sc in each of last 5 sc, join with a sl st to first ch.
    Rnd 8: Ch 1, sc in each of first 7 sc, *3 sc in next sc, sc in each of next 14 sc; rep from * twice more, 3 sc in next sc, sc in each of last 6 sc, join with a sl st to first ch.
    Rnd 9: Ch 1, sc in each of first 8 sc, *3 sc in next sc, sc in each of next 16 sc; rep from * twice more, 3 sc in next sc, sc in each of last 7 sc, join with a sl st to first ch.
    Rnd 10: Ch 1, sc in each of first 9 sc, *3 sc in next sc, sc in each of next 18 sc; rep from * twice more, 3 sc in next sc, sc in each of last 8 sc; join with a sl st to first ch.
    Rnd 11: Ch 1, sc in each of first 10 sc, *3 sc in next sc, sc in each of next 20 sc; rep from * twice more, 3 sc in next sc, sc in each of last 9 sc, join with a sl st in first ch.
    Rnd 12: Ch 1, sc in each of first 11 sc, *3 sc in next sc, sc in each of next 22 sc; rep from * twice more, 3 sc in next sc, sc in each of last 10 sc, join with a sl st in first ch. Fasten and end off. Square should measure 12½ x 12½".

    FINISHING: Position Square foll diagram. Fold Square on diagonal with RS's tog, sew side D to A to form the sole (the angle where A meets D is the toe; where D meets C is the heel). Sew sides B and C tog 4" up from the sole seam. Fold free corner down to form cuff.

    Cuff Edging: Not including the center st of cuff, count down 13 sts from the point, join yarn with a sl st in the 13th st. Ch 7, sl st in 4th ch from hook, dc in same st, skip 3 sts, *(dc, ch 4, sl st in 4th ch from hook, dc) in next sc, skip 3 sts; rep from * 4 more times, end (dc, ch 4, sl st in 4th ch from hook, dc) in next sc. Fasten and end off.

    www.tobikat.com][/URL] [/URL][/IMG]
    left hand
    Ch 43.
    Row 1: Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each chain across, turn. 42 sc.
    Row 2: Ch 5 (counts as dc and ch 2) *Sk 6 sc, in next sc work (3 tr, ch 2, tr, ch 2, 3 tr), ch 2, sk 6 sc, dc in next sc, ch 2, rep from * across, ending last rep with dc in last sc, turn.
    Row 3: Ch 4 (counts as tr), *tr3tog over next 3 tr, ch 5, dc in nex tr, ch 5, tr3tog over next 3 tr, tr in next dc, rep from *across, ending last rep with tr in 3rd ch of tch, turn.
    Row 4: Ch 6 (counts as tr and ch 2), *3 tr in CL, ch 2, dc in dc, ch 2, 3 tr in CL, ch 2, tr in tr, ch 2, rep from * across, ending last rep with 3 tr in last CL, ch 2, tr in tch, turn.
    Row 5: Ch 8 (counts as dc and ch 5), *CL over next 3 tr, tr in dc, CL over next 3 tr, ch 5, dc in next tr, ch 5, rep from * across, ending last rep with dc in 4th ch of tch, turn.
    Row 6: Ch 1, sk dc *5 sc in ch-5 loop, sc in CL, sc in tr, sc in CL, 5 sc in ch-5 loop, sc in dc, rep from * across, with last rep ending with 5 sc in last ch-5 loop, turn. (41 sc).
    Begin Stacked Arches
    Row 7: *Ch 5, sk 3 sc, sc in next sc, rep from * across , turn.
    (10 ch-5 loops)
    Row 8: Ch 1, *(4 sc, ch 5, 4 sc) in ch-5 loop, rep from * across, turn. ( 10 arches)
    Row 9: Ch 2, *(4 sc, ch 5, 4 sc) in ch-5 loop, rep from * across, turn.
    Palm Shaping
    Row 10: Ch 2, work Stacked Arches patt in first 5 ch-5 loops, over next join between 2 arches work (3 dc, ch 5, 3 dc), cont in Stacked Arches patt to end.
    Row 11: Ch 2, work Stacked Arches in ea ch-5 loop across. (11 arches)
    Row 12: Ch 2, work Stacked Arch in first ch-5 loop, in next ch-5 loop work (4 sc, ch 5, 4 sc, ch-5, 4 sc), cont working Stacked Arches all remaining 9 ch-5 loops. (12 ch-5 loops).
    Row 13: Ch 2, work SA in first 8 ch-5 loops; (in next ch-5 loop work 9 sc) 2 times. Turn, ch 9, sk last 2 Arches just made, sl st in join between next 2 arches, ch 1, turn. In ch-9 loop work (4 sc, ch 5, 4 sc, ch-5, 4 sc). Now continue working SA in remaining ch-5 loops to end. 12 arches
    NOTE: You now have a hole for the thumb, topped by two arches which are “finished off” -- the ones with 9 sc in them. In the following row you will work into the ch-5 loops made in the ch-9 loop.
    Rows 14 and 15: Ch 2, work SA patt across.
    Row 16: Ch 2, work 9 sc in ea ch-5 loop across.
    Turn work 90 degrees. You will see that the first row has 4 sc along the side edge, while the next has a ch 2, and these two alternate all along the side. *Sk first sc, work sc into each of next 3 sc, work 3 sc in ch 2 toop, rep from * till you reach the end of Stacked Arches section, to Row 6 of pattern. We will now work the remaining section of the edge, adding in buttons as we go.
    On working yarn, measure out about 3 feet of yarn and cut.
    Before we proceed, now is the time to steam your pieces flat. The glove may look small, but it will stretch around the hand and fit snugly. My hands are large, and the gloves fit very nicely. If you are using a different yarn, test it for stretchiness. If it doesn’t stretch, you may also steam block the pieces to gain some fabric. After steaming, proceed to the next step.
    Picking up the working yarn, work sc into side of row 6. Slide a button onto yarn and up to work. Work sc around other side of button shank into ch-3 at side of row 5. Work two more sc into this ch-3, 4 sc into side of tr (row 4). Slide up another button and work sc into side of row 4 st at bottom. Work 3 sc around dc at side of row 3, 2 sc around tch of row 2, slide up another button, work sc into side of row 1, end off.
    Tie on at opposite side of glove at bottom (side of row 1). Ch 1, sc in side of row 1, ch 3 (this is a loop for button), 3 sc in dc at side of row 2, 4 sc around tch at side of row 3, ch 3 (2nd button loop), 4 sc into side of row 4, 3 sc around dc at side of row 5, ch 3 (3rd button loop); sc into side of row 6. Continuing up side of SA section, *work sc into side of each of next 3 sc, sk next sc, 3 sc around next ch-2 loop, rep from * to top, for a total of 24 sc on SA section. Note that you have been working with WS facing. Remove hook from loop and fold glove to bring two sides together.
    Working from WS, make slip stitch seam to join glove at center. When done, turn inside out.
    Right Hand
    Follow instructions for Left Hand up to and including row 11.
    Thumb Shaping
    Row 12: Ch 1, worked Stacked Arches patt 9 times, in next ch-5 loop work (4 sc, ch 5, 4 sc, ch-5, 4 sc), work Stacked Arches patt in last ch-5 loop, turn. (12 ch-5 loops).
    Row 13: Ch 2, work SA in first 2 ch-5 loops, (in next ch-5 loop work 9 sc) 2 times. Turn, ch 9, sk last 2 Arches just made, sl st in join between next 2 arches, turn. Ch 1. In ch-9 loop work (4 sc, ch 5, 4 sc, ch-5, 4 sc). Now continue working SA in remaining ch-5 loops to end. 12 arches
    For rest of glove, follow instructions for Left Hand beginning at Row 14 to end.
    Follow directions as written but beginning in row 8 work as follows:
    Row 8: work as directed but do not turn..
    Row 9: sl st in each of the 4 sc in the first arch of row 8; continue in pattern (work 4sc, ch 5, 4 sc in each loop).
    Continue working in the round, beginning each round with sl st in the first 4 sc of the first arch in the previous row.
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    www.tobikat.com][/URL] [/URL][/IMG]
    Ch 13
    ROW 1: 1 sc in 2nd ch from hook, 1 sc in next 13 chs, ch 1, turn. (12 sc) Next rows are through back loops only.
    ROW 2: 1 sc in each sc of previous row, ch 1, turn. (12 sc)
    ROWS 3 - 25: Same as Row 2
    ROW 26: This is the joining row. Fold cuff so Row 1 is behind Row 25, ss to join Row 26
    to Row 1.

    Turn cuff inside out. This will be the right side.
    RND 1: Ch 1, 1 sc at the base of ch 1, 1 sc at the end of each row of ribbing, ss to join to the first sc, ch 1, turn (26 sc)
    (After you turn always skip the ss where you joined on previous RND and begin your work in the first sc.)
    RND 2: 1 sc in each sc to end of rnd, ss to join, ch 1, turn. (26 sc)
    RND 3: 1 sc in next 12 sc, 2 sc in next 2 sc, 1 sc in next 12 sc, ss to join, ch 1, turn. (28 sc)
    RND 4: 1 sc in next 12 sc, 2 sc in next sc, 1 sc in next 2 sc, 2 sc in next sc, 1 sc in next 12 sc, ss to join, ch 1, turn. (30 sc)
    RND 5: 1 sc in next 12 sc, 2 sc in next sc, 1 sc in next 4 sc, 2 sc in next sc, 1 sc in next 12 sc, ss to join, ch 1, turn. (32 sc)
    RND 6: 1 sc in next 12 sc, 2 sc in next sc, 1 sc in next 6 sc, 2 sc in next sc, 1 sc in next 12 sc, ss to join, ch 1, turn. (34 sc)
    RND 7: 1 sc in next 12 sc, 2 sc in next sc, 1 sc in next 8 sc, 2 sc in next sc, 1 sc in next 12 sc, ss to join, ch 1, turn. (36 sc)
    RND 8: 1 sc in next 12 sc, 2 sc in next sc, 1 sc in next 10 sc, 2 sc in next sc, 1 sc in next 12 sc, ss to join, ch 1, turn. (38 sc)

    1 sc in next 25 sc. Beginning at the last sc you just made, count back 12 sc, ss to join your last sc to this sc, ch 1, turn.
    RND 1: 1 sc in the next 12 sc, ss to join, ch 1, turn. (12 sc)
    RNDS 2 to 7: Same as RND 1.
    RND 8: 2 sc tog 6 times, ss to join. (6 sc)
    Cut yarn leaving end approx. 8" long. Using darning needle thread yarn through the 7 sc and pull tight, fasten off.

    (Helpful Hint: I have found it easier after attaching yarn for the palm and fingers to weave in the yarn ends as you go so you don't have to turn the mitten inside out and do it after it's finished.)
    With the palm of mitten facing you, join yarn inside at the front of mitten by the base of the thumb. In the first sc by base of thumb pull up a loop and ch 1 and 1 sc. 1 sc in next 12 sc, ss to join to the first sc of this RND which is the RND where you divided for the thumb, ch 1, turn. (13 sc)
    If you are having problems with the above instructions, this will explain it further:
    You join to the sc on the row where you made the thumb. Look back under "Thumb" and see where you made the "1 sc in next 25 sc". Then you counted back 12 and joined to make the thumb opening. This left 13 sc worked on that row before the thumb opening, but the next 13 sc after the thumb opening was not worked.
    What you are doing when you start the palm, is working those previously unworked 13 sc and joining to the first sc of the "25 sc" that you made when beginning the thumb.

    RND 1: 1 sc in next 13 sc, pick up 2 sc at the base of thumb, 1 sc in next 13 sc, ss to join, ch 1, turn. (28 sc)
    RND 2: 1 sc next 12 sc, 2sc tog twice, 1sc in next 12 sc, ss to join, ch 1, turn. (26 sc)
    RND 3: 1 sc in each sc, ss to join, ch 1, turn. (26 sc)
    RNDS 4 to 6: Same as RND 3.
    (Add more rnds if necessary for length to base of wearer's fingers)

    1 sc in next 17 sc, ch 2, beginning at the last sc you just made, count back 8 sc, ss to join to that sc, ch 1, turn.
    RND 1: 1 sc in each of the next 2 chs, 1 sc in next 8 sc, ss to join, ch 1, turn. (10 sc)
    RND 2: 1 sc in each sc, ss to join, ch 1, fasten off.. (10 sc)

    With palm of mitten facing you, join yarn at the front inside at the base of index finger. In the sc beside the base of index finger pull up a loop ch 1 and 1 sc. 1 sc in next 2 sc, ch 2. On the back of mitten count back 3 sc from index finger, 1 sc in that sc, 1 sc in the next 2 sc, 1 sc in next 2 sc at base of index finger, ss to join to first sc, ch 1, turn. (10 sc)
    RND 1: 1 sc in next 5 sc, 1 sc in each of the next 2 chs, 1 sc in next 3 sc, ss to join, ch 1, turn. (10 sc)
    RND 2: 1 sc in each sc, ss to join, ch 1, fasten off. (10 sc)

    With palm of mitten facing you, join yarn at the front inside at the base of middle finger. In the sc beside the base of middle finger pull up a loop ch 1 and 1 sc. 1 sc in next 2 sc, ch 2. On the back of mitten count back 3 sc from middle finger, 1 sc in that sc, 1 sc in the next 2 sc, 1 sc in next 2 sc at base of middle finger, ss to join to first sc, ch 1, turn. (10 sc)
    RND 1: 1 sc in next 5 sc, 1 sc in each of the next 2 chs, 1 sc in next 3 sc, ss to join, ch 1, turn. (10 sc)
    RND 2: 1 sc in each sc, ss to join, ch 1, fasten off. (10 sc)

    With palm of mitten facing you, join yarn at the front inside at the base of ring finger. In the sc beside the base of ring finger pull up a loop ch 1 and 1 sc. 1 sc in next 5 sc, 1 sc in next 2 sc at base of ring finger, ss to join, ch 1, turn. (8 sc)
    RND 1: 1 sc in each sc, ss to join, ch 1, turn. (8 sc)
    RND 2: 1 sc in each sc, ss to join, fasten off. (8 sc)

    On the back of mitten, find the RND that is midway between the thumb and the base of fingers. (I used the third RND up from the thumb). Begin at the thumb end with finger ends toward you. On that rnd you can see the top loops fo the scs. Attach yarn and through those loops place 13 sc evenly across the back of mitten. To begin after attaching yarn, pull up a loop and make 1 ch and 1 sc. Then make 12 more sc across the back of mitten.
    Next: ch 15, ss to join to the first sc, ch 1, turn.
    RND 1: 1 sc in each of the 15 chs, 1 sc in next 13 sc, ss to join, ch 1, turn. (28 sc)
    RND 2: 1 sc in each sc, ss to join, ch 1, turn. (28 sc)
    RNDS 3 to 9: Same as RND 2.
    RND 10: 2 sc tog, 1 sc in next 12 sc, 2 sc tog, 1 sc in next 12 sc, ss to join, ch 1, turn (26 sc)
    RND 11: 1 sc in each sc, ss to join, ch 1, turn. (26 sc)
    RND 12: 2 sc tog, 1 sc in next 11 sc, 2 sc tog, 1 sc in next 11 sc, ss to join, ch 1, turn (24 sc)
    RND 13: 1 sc in each sc, ss to join, ch 1, turn. (24 sc)
    RND 14: 2 sc tog, 1 sc in next 10 sc, 2 sc tog, 1 sc in next 10 sc, ss to join, ch 1, turn (22 sc)
    RND 15: 2 sc tog, 1 sc in next 9 sc, 2 sc tog, 1 sc in next 9 sc, ss to join, ch 1, turn (20 sc)
    RND 16: 2 sc tog 10 times, ss to join, ch 1, turn. (10 sc)
    RND 17: 2 sc tog 5 times, ss to join, fasten off.
    With darning needle, weave in all ends.
    Sew velcro into place. To hold back mitten top when using the fingerless gloves, sew a small piece of velcro or a velcro dot (button) hook piece on the outside of each mitten top back about 1 inch down from the tip. Fold mitten top flat against mitten back and position one loop velcro piece under the hook piece, sew to mitten back. (Optional, to keep mitten top down when using only as mittens, sew one or two velcro pieces or velcro dots (buttons) under mitten top and to the palm. However, most people tell me that you do not need anything to hold them down as they will stay in place.)

    Work exactly as for the Right Mitten up until you complete the fingers. Now turn the mitten over, it will also fit the left hand. What was the palm side for the Right Mitten will now be the back side for the Left Mitten.

    With that in mind, work mitten top the same as for the Right Mitten by beginning on the back of mitten, except this time with the finger ends towards you, you will begin at the little finger end, instead of the thumb end.

    www.tobikat.com][/URL] [/URL][/IMG]
    RIGHT HAND . . . Starting at wrist, ch 106 (18 ch sts to 1 inch). Join with sl st.
    1st round: Ch 5, d c in same place as sl st; (skip 2 ch, in next ch make d c, ch 2 and d c) 13 times; skip 2 ch, d c in next ch, ch 5, skip 5 ch, d c in next ch, skip 2 ch; in next ch make d c, ch 2 and d c (a 2-d c group made). Skip 2 ch, d c in next ch, ch 5, skip 5 ch, d c in next ch; (skip 2 ch, in next ch make d c, ch 2 and d c) 15 times; skip 2 ch, sl st into ch-5 loop first made.
    2nd md: Ch 5, d c in same place as sl st; (in next ch-2 sp make d c, ch 2 and d c) 13 times; ch 5, skip 2 ch of next ch-5, s c in next ch, ch 5, in next ch-2 sp make d c, ch 2 and d c; ch 5, skip 2 ch of next ch-5, s c in next ch. Ch 5, (in next ch-2 sp make d c, ch 2 and d c) 15 times; join.
    3rd md: Ch 5, d c in same place as sl st; (in next ch-2 sp make d c, ch 2 and d c) 13 times; d c in next ch-5 loop, ch 5, d c in next loop; 2-d c group over next 2-d c group, d c in next loop, ch 5, d c in next loop; make a 2-d c group over each of the next five 2-d c groups; over next d c-group make d c, ch 2, d c, ch 2 and d c (an increase); make d c group over next d c-group; over next d c-group make d c, ch 2, d c, ch and d c--thus the increases for thumb are started. Now make d c-groups over d c-groups to end of md; join.
    4th round: Dc group over each d c-group across to within ch-5 loop; ch 5, skip 2 ch of next loop, s c in next ch, ch 5, d c-group over ch-2 of next d c-group; ch 5, skip 2 ch of next ch-5 loop, s c in next ch, ch 5 and make d c-group in each group to end of round; join.
    5th round: Work in pattern until 5 d c groups are made after the open-work pattern on back of hand, over next d c-group make an increase as before (3 d c with ch-2 between); make a d c-group over each of the next 3 d c groups, inc. over the next group and continue working in pattern to end of rnd..
    6th to l0th rnds inch Work as for last 2 rnds, making an increase over each increase as before on every other round (having 2 more d c-groups between increases) for thumb. Work without increasing until glove, when tried on, reaches to base of thumb (about 2 ¾ inches in all).
    Next round: To start thumb, work in pattern around until 8 d c-groups are made after the open-work pattern. Mark the 8th d c-group with a colored thread, and work over the next ll groups; then ch 5, skip the group with the colored thread and continue to work in spiral fashion around the last 11 d c groups, making another d c-group at center of ch-5 and working until thumb, when tried on, is 2 rnds less than desired length.
    Next round: Make d c in each ch-2 sp around.
    Following round: S c in every other d c around.
    Fasten off, leaving a 6-inch length of thread. Thread a needle with this thread and fasten end securely on wrong side. Attach thread to last d c of d c-group marked with colored thread and complete round, making an increase over the d c-group at base of thumb. Now work in pattern until glove, when tried on, reaches to base of your fingers. Put glove on and mark with a safety pin between palm and back of hand for fingers.
    Forefinger . · · Work in pattern around to pin-mark on palm side for forefinger, ch 5 and work over d c groups of forefinger on back of hand; continue around in pattern, making a d c-group in center of ch-5, until glove, when tried on, is 2 rnds less than desired length. Finish as for Thumb.
    Middle Finger . . · Attach thread to d c-group at base of forefinger (between fingers). Work in pattern across d c-groups of palm, ch 5 and work across back of hand for middle finger, making 2 d c-groups over ch-5 (open pattern), and making a d c-group in each d c-group at base of forefinger. Finish as for forefinger.
    Ring Finger . . · Work as for middle finger.
    Little Finger . · · Attach thread at base of ring finger and work around remaining d c-groups as for other fingers.
    Cuff . . .
    1st round: Attach thread to base of d c-group on foundation chain, preceding ch-5 of open-work pattern, ch 5, d c in same place, ch 5, skip 2 ch of ch-5, s c in next ch, ch 5, d c group at base of next d c-group, ch 5, skip 2 ch of next ch-5, s c in next ch, ch 5, d c-group at base of each d c group around. Join.
    2nd and 3rd rnds: Work in pattern as for top part of glove. Join.
    4th round: Ch 5, d c in same place as sl st, d c in next ch-5 loop, ch 5, d c in next loop, d c-group over next d c-group, d c in next loop, ch 5, d c in next loop, d c-group over next d c-group, d c under ch-2 of next d c-group, * ch 5, d c under ch-2 of next d c-group,' d c-group over next d c-group, d c under ch-2 of next dc group. Repeat from * around, ending with ch 5, d c in last d c-group. Join.
    5th md: Ch 5, d c in same place as sl st, * ch 5, skip 2 ch of next ch-5, s c in next ch, ch 5, d c-group over next d c-group. Repeat from * around. Join with sl st in 3rd st of ch-5.
    6th round: Ch 5, d c in same place as sl st, in next d c make d c, ch 2 and d c, * ch 5; (in next d c make d c, ch 2 and d c) twice. Repeat from * around. Join last ch-5 with sl st in ch-5 loop first made.
    7th round: Ch 5, d c in same place as sl st, d c-group over next d c-group, * ch 5, skip 2 ch of next ch-5, s c in next ch, ch 5, d c-group over next 2 d c-groups. Repeat from * around, join.
    8th round: Ch 5, d c in same place as sl st, * d c group between next 2 d c, d c-group over next d c-group, ch 5, d c group over next d c-group. Repeat from * around, join.
    9th round: * Dc group over next 3 d c-groups, ch 5, skip 2 ch, s c in next ch, ch 5. Repeat from * around. Join.
    l0th round: * D c - group over next 3 d c-groups, ch 5. Repeat from * around, join.
    llth to 15th rounds: Repeat 9th and 10th rnds alternately.
    16th round: * Ch 2, in center d c-group make 4 d c with ch 2 between, ch 2, skip 1 d c of next d c group, d c in next d c of same group, ch 5, s c in next s c, ch 5, d c in first d c of next d c-group. Repeat from * around, join. Fasten off.
    LEFT HAND . . . Make another glove like this, reversing the position of the open-work stripe so that it lies across center back of left hand.

    www.tobikat.com][/URL] [/URL][/IMG]www.tobikat.com][/URL] [/URL][/IMG]www.tobikat.com][/URL] [/URL][/IMG]www.tobikat.com][/URL] [/URL][/IMG]

  5. #5
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2009
    سكندرية بالسعودية
    www.tobikat.com][/URL] [/URL][/IMG]www.tobikat.com][/URL] [/URL][/IMG]www.tobikat.com][/URL] [/URL][/IMG]www.tobikat.com][/URL] [/URL][/IMG]www.tobikat.com][/URL] [/URL][/IMG]www.tobikat.com][/URL] [/URL][/IMG]

  6. #6
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jun 2009
    بين احبابي
    اهلا وسهلا فيك بينا ومشكورة على موضوعك الجميل

  7. #7
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jan 2009
    _كفر الشيخ _مصر
    اهلا بيكي في منتدانا الغالي ونورتي اختي الكريمه
    وان شاء الله المرة الجايه نشوف شغلك ايديك
    مشكورة علي الهديه وتقبلي تحياتي

  8. #8
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2009
    مصر الحبيبه
    تسلم ايدك ياعسل وربنا يجزيكى كل خير

  9. #9
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2009
    سكندرية بالسعودية
    شكرا ليكم لانكمقبلتوني بينكم
    وياريت نتعاون ونترجم هذه البترونات

  10. #10
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2007
    ^^ ايتها الدنيا كفاك اخذا ^^
    تسلم الايادى

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