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الموضوع: نبتة الصبار (بالكروشيه)

  1. #1
    تاريخ التسجيل
    May 2009

    نبتة الصبار (بالكروشيه)

    الموضوع مكتوب باللغة الانجليزية

    اعجبني الصور فاحببت ان اضعها لكن

    اذا احببتن ان اضع الطريقة باللغة الانجليزية فلن اتاخر


  2. #2
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2007
    مصر ام الدنيا
    اسمك جميل والاجمل انه ماشى مع موضوعك لان اسمك والنبات اللى انتى منزله من ذوات الفلقة الواحد
    معلش ده الطبيعى بتاعى الايام دية اصلى راجعة للدراسة
    وفعلا انا عاوزة الشرح
    معلش لو فيها تعب

  3. #3
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Sep 2007
    القاهرة-مسلمه-مهندسة مع ايقاف التنفيذ
    جميله قوي

    ممكن شرح النبته

    جزاكم الله خيرا

  4. #4
    تاريخ التسجيل
    May 2009
    اتمنى الشرح يكون وافي

    لاني مبتدئة


    The perfect houseplant - no watering, no mess.
    The perfect houseplant - no watering, no mess.

    • <LI style="DIRECTION: ltr; TEXT-ALIGN: left">
      Green wool - one ball - for cactus body
      Green wool - one ball - for cactus body <LI style="DIRECTION: ltr; TEXT-ALIGN: left">
      Teracotta Wool - one ball - for the plant pot
      Teracotta Wool - one ball - for the plant pot <LI style="DIRECTION: ltr; TEXT-ALIGN: left">
      Small quantity of brown wool for the mud in the pot
      Small quantity of brown wool for the mud in the pot <LI style="DIRECTION: ltr; TEXT-ALIGN: left">
      Small quantity of White wool for the flower
      Small quantity of White wool for the flower <LI style="DIRECTION: ltr; TEXT-ALIGN: left">
      Beads optional
      Beads optional
    • Soft filling material
      Soft filling material
    Cactus Body:
    Cactus Body:

    To make the main body of the cactus you need to start with a chain of 25 and one more to turn.
    To make the main body of the cactus you need to start with a chain of 25 and one more to turn.
    Crochet only into the back loop to make that nice textured ridge-stitch, and continue until you have 11 ridges.
    Crochet only into the back loop to make that nice textured ridge-stitch, and continue until you have 11 ridges.
    Tie off the last stitch and leave yourself about a foot of extra wool to sew it up.
    Tie off the last stitch and leave yourself about a foot of extra wool to sew it up.
    But before you do, you need to draw in the top of the cactus: Hold the swatch so that the ridges run vertically, with the long bit of wool at the top.
    But before you do, you need to draw in the top of the cactus: Hold the swatch so that the ridges run vertically, with the long bit of wool at the top.
    Using a fat needle thread the wool through the top of the swatch so that you can pull it tight and draw in the top of the cactus.
    Using a fat needle thread the wool through the top of the swatch so that you can pull it tight and draw in the top of the cactus.
    This is where the flower will go (to hide the seam).
    This is where the flower will go (to hide the seam).
    Use the rest of the wool to sew (or crochet) down the open side of the cactus.
    Use the rest of the wool to sew (or crochet) down the open side of the cactus

  5. #5
    تاريخ التسجيل
    May 2009
    Bulb on the Side

    The little side growth is made in exactly the same way but on a much smaller scale and it sewn into the side seam.
    The little side growth is made in exactly the same way but on a much smaller scale and it sewn into the side seam.
    Mud :
    Crochet a row of brown into the base of your new cactus forming a little ring of soil that you will later attach the plant pot to.
    Crochet a row of brown into the base of your new cactus forming a little ring of soil that you will later attach the plant pot to.
    Plant pot :
    Plant pot:
    Chain 6, slip stitch to secure and go for 6 double crochets into the ring.
    Chain 6, slip stitch to secure and go for 6 double crochets into the ring.
    Work outwards till you have a nice sized base for your plant pot.
    Work outwards till you have a nice sized base for your plant pot.
    To build up the side: crochet into the back loop of your last round, then start working in the round to build up the sides of the pot.
    To build up the side: crochet into the back loop of your last round, then start working in the round to build up the sides of the pot.
    At the 3rd and 6th rows, increase one stitch at each 'corner' but offset the second increase by a few stitches so that it doesn't look too obvious.
    At the 3rd and 6th rows, increase one stitch at each 'corner' but offset the second increase by a few stitches so that it doesn't look too obvious.
    When your plant pot it tall enough you need to create the lip of the pot: crochet two rounds just in the front loop, and it will naturally curl over.
    When your plant pot it tall enough you need to create the lip of the pot: crochet two rounds just in the front loop, and it will naturally curl over.
    Then do one normal round (this is all in double crochet) and secure the last stitch leaving about a foot of extra wool for sewing.
    Then do one normal round (this is all in double crochet) and secure the last stitch leaving about a foot of extra wool for sewing.
    Stuffing the Cactus:
    Stuffing the Cactus:

    Fill the pot and the cactus with stuffing and sew it all up, making sure to catch the rim of the pot through to the mud of the cactus.
    Fill the pot and the cactus with stuffing and sew it all up, making sure to catch the rim of the pot through to the mud of the cactus.
    Flower & Thorns
    Flower & Thorns

    Use your imagination for flowers and try adding silver beads to represent the thorns.
    Use your imagination for flowers and try adding silver beads to represent the thorns.
    Well done.
    Well done.
    You now have your own cactus ornament!
    You now have your own cactus ornament!

    منقول من مواقع اجنبيه

  6. #6
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2007
    مصر ام الدنيا
    تسلمى يا قمر
    احاول اترجمه ان شاء الله

  7. #7
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Sep 2007
    المملكة العربية السعودية
    نيتة رائعة حقا
    وتستاهل الترجمة

    يلا يا امل ترجمي وضعي الترجمة هنا حتى الكل يستفيد

    لمساتك السحرية تزين جميع حاجاتك

  8. #8
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2007
    مصر ام الدنيا
    تعقيب كتبت بواسطة لبنانية بجدة عرض الرد
    نيتة رائعة حقا
    وتستاهل الترجمة

    يلا يا امل ترجمي وضعي الترجمة هنا حتى الكل يستفيد
    من عنيى الاتنين مع انى فاشلة انجليزى بس هحاول
    علشان خاطر عيونك يا ابلة

  9. #9
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2008
    فكرة رائعة جداً .... جزاك الله خير...

  10. #10
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jul 2009
    بلد البسالة (بورسعيد احلي بلد في مصر)
    جميلة اوي
    تسلمي ع الصورة والباترون

مواضيع مشابهه

  1. وثبة التائبين ..
    بواسطة محمود القلعاوى في روضة السعداء
    الردود: 2
    اخر موضوع: 16-10-2010, 09:05 PM
  2. الردود: 36
    اخر موضوع: 09-10-2010, 06:38 PM
  3. نبتة السعد
    بواسطة نهلة يقين في العناية بالجسم والبشرة والمكياج والعطورات
    الردود: 7
    اخر موضوع: 16-06-2007, 04:07 PM
  4. نبتت السعد؟!!!!
    بواسطة عذابه في جمالكِ سيدتي وأناقتك حواء
    الردود: 3
    اخر موضوع: 15-09-2005, 03:49 PM
  5. نبتة القرطاسية
    بواسطة زويا في الديكور الداخلي والخارجي
    الردود: 2
    اخر موضوع: 08-08-2005, 11:18 PM

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